help me!!!!
Help me, please my project idea got turned down saying it was to simple and im out of ideas. somebody help me come up with something CHEAP and i mean CHEAP and fast, something i could do with very little extra components besides my stamp
You can find all kinds of ideas that are inexspensive if you look at our educational text books.· I recommend the "Applied Sensors" text.· Here is a link for the educational text books:··.·
Dave Andreae
Tech Support
Take a look at our customer applications section of the web:
Lots of idea there, too!
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
A bot with two big wheels.· It is weighted on the bottom allowing it to drive with no other contact points.· I was thinking of using 2.2" RC stadium truck wheels and servos (2.2 refers to the rim, they are actually much bigger).· All that will be needed is two murcury tilt switches.· When the bot hits something and stops the chassis of the bot starts to tilt.· By angling the two tilt switches you can adjust how far the chassis must tilt before it backs up.· You could make it go straight forward and then back up in an arc for a distace or until it hits something, then go forward again.· The key is high traction wheels to keep them from just spinning when it hits something.
It would be a cheap, simple bot that would be easy to program.· Murcury tilt switches·can be·ordered from Mousers for exactly $0.66·each.· Good luck.