Calling MCP23016 pins
I have an MCP23016 with a lot of lines working.· I need to monotor the state of just of of the pins.· Can I write
if GP0.7·= 128 then do something?
12 of the pins on the chip could be in any state but I am only concerned about the state of GP0.7
if GP0.7·= 128 then do something?
12 of the pins on the chip could be in any state but I am only concerned about the state of GP0.7
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
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Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
if GP0>=128 then dosomething.·
This statement is true only of GP0.7 is
high.· If it is NOT true, then GP0.7 must be low.
To many this seems like a lot of work, but after 20 years of programming I can assure you that it saves the programmer time, and is immensely helpful when that same programmer wants to share his/her code with others.· It's also helpful when you change a circuit design as a couple changes in your definitions section is easier than hunting through a long listing for "magic numbers."
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office