Servo Pulsout
With a BS2 I would pulsout 750 to center·a servo.· This is acutally 1500us.· If I want to use a BS2P24 do I pulsout 1500/.8 = 1875us to
achieve the same result?
Sid Weaver
New Combo LCD Backpack
achieve the same result?
Sid Weaver
New Combo LCD Backpack
For the BS2p, you would need 1.5 mSec/1.18 uSec == 1271 'ticks'.
(To check, 1271 * 1.18 uSec == 1.49978 mSec. *Should* be close enough.)
Allan, the current Help file for the Editor says .8 for the BS2P and the BS2SX.· I wonder which is right?
One other question:
I just want to make sure of something before I wrap up this big PC board.
If I read, say GP0, and get %10000001, the first 1(msb) is GP0.7 and the last 1 (lsb) is GP0.0.· Correct?
For the pulse width -- the fastest way to know for sure is to try it. Just checked the on-line help, and darn if you arn't correct. So now we have two standards which each say something different. Help me, Mr. Wizard (Jon)!
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Actually the 0.8uS is correct for the BS2sx and BS2p.