Now Available! Program your SX in BASIC!
After hinting and teasing, Parallax has *finally* released a Basic compiler for the SX.· Now you can write your program in a higher level language than Assembly, with Parallax supplied macros for SEROUT, PAUSE(msec), etc.· And it's a true compiler -- no more 'token' lookups, just full speed assembly output.
Check it out -- it's SX/B, included in the new (free) SX IDE 3.0 download!
Note the Basic compiler has been 'simplified' from PBasic to generate efficient SX code.· However, Parallax has implemented many of their PBasic 'keyword' constructs to make your SX life easier.· This package may still require you to learn SX assembly language, but will simplify the process a lot.
Finally, a Basic compiler for the SX.· Thanks Parallax, you guys are the best!
Check it out -- it's SX/B, included in the new (free) SX IDE 3.0 download!
Note the Basic compiler has been 'simplified' from PBasic to generate efficient SX code.· However, Parallax has implemented many of their PBasic 'keyword' constructs to make your SX life easier.· This package may still require you to learn SX assembly language, but will simplify the process a lot.
Finally, a Basic compiler for the SX.· Thanks Parallax, you guys are the best!
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
·· Any apparent lack of enthusiasm is probably just a result of the offset feeling of, "OH MY GOD!· NOW I HAVE TO MAKE MORE TIME SO I CAN PROGRAM IN SX/B!!!"
In my case I decided to cut out sleep...Who needs it anyway!·
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
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