prototyping boards
What are my options when prototyping? I've heard of breadboards, but I'm looking for boards that I would be able to solder the components onto.
What are my options when prototyping? I've heard of breadboards, but I'm looking for boards that I would be able to solder the components onto.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
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This makes more sense to me because you could solder the pin to one hole, and then solder the wire to the hole beside it.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
1) There are different perfboards, some have just copper rings around the holes in the board, some have rows of those rings connected together in groups of 3-4, just like on your breadboard.
2) Try to stay away from RadioShack. That place is EXTREMELY overpriced, especially for cheap small components. If this is not a project that has to be done by tomorrow morning try to order things online. I had my share of frustration with RS, building a project for school, being limited on time and having to run down to RS to buy components at ridiculous prices.
Ok, im done rambling on now.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
May I recommend the Basic Stamp Project Board from Avayan Electronics? It is a very economical tool (only $29.95) that includes all which you need to put your Basic Stamp module (has space for a BS I and a BS II) in a socket while gaining access to all I/O pins. It also includes programming ports, reset buttons, voltage regulator, etc.
The link is