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Javelin vs. t630 — Parallax Forums

Javelin vs. t630

UllrottaUllrotta Posts: 12
edited 2004-11-09 10:43 in General Discussion
Im currently using a Javelin Stamp on a demo board containing two rs232 connectors. one is connected to the computer's serial port com1, and the other is connected to the SonyEricsson t630.

I've tried connecting the second rs232 to the computers com2 in order to read the signals being issued by the Javelin Stamp in HyperTerminal and with Portmon. I discovered there is a difference between what HyperTerminal sends to the mobile, and what the Javelin chip does - both issuing the same AT-commands.. confused.gif

Appreciate any and all help turn.gif

(sorry for cross posting!)


  • UllrottaUllrotta Posts: 12
    edited 2004-11-04 13:18
    Just a minor update:
    While trying to solve this problem I've been disconnecting and reconnecting the phone (SonyEricsson t630) without pulling the power plug on the stamp board. Twice while disconnecting the phone it started dialing, ie it started executing the AT-commands it was sent. This lead me to believe, that there is something wrong with the termination of the commands being sent from the board to the phone. I've tried a number of different combinations of \r and \n, but all yields nothing.

    Please help if you have any clues. All help appreciated!
  • JavalinJavalin Posts: 892
    edited 2004-11-04 21:49
    Have you a common ground between the phone->Interface->Stamp. Have you tried the usual diagnostic tricks, build piece by piece, modulerise the project etc. Sounds like this sort of problem, otherwise post code example and diagrams.....
  • UllrottaUllrotta Posts: 12
    edited 2004-11-08 12:52
    Yes there is a common ground between them. The wiring on the board sees to that.
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2004-11-08 15:13
    Have you tried inverting the handshake level in the javelin uart

    definition? It looks like it started dialing once you removed the handshake.

    Also, have you tested your comport wiring with hyperterminal?

    regards peter
  • UllrottaUllrotta Posts: 12
    edited 2004-11-08 22:43
    "javelin uart definition" - where do I find this?
    I have tried the handshake both inverted and dontInverted with the same amount of success.

    I have connected the board to com 2 to read its output in hyperterminal and advanced serial port monitor, and it seems to be alright. I'll post it here later.
    The wiring on the board is according to Javelin Stamp User Manual 1.0 picture 4.8 b.

    The code is as follows:

    import stamp.core.*;

    public class ModemTest
    final static int SERIAL_TX_PIN = CPU.pin0;
    final static int SERIAL_RTS_PIN = CPU.pin1;
    final static int SERIAL_CTS_PIN = CPU.pin2;
    final static int SERIAL_RX_PIN = CPU.pin3;

    static Uart rxUart = new Uart(Uart.dirReceive, SERIAL_RX_PIN, Uart.dontInvert, SERIAL_CTS_PIN, Uart.speed9600, Uart.stop1);
    static Uart txUart = new Uart(Uart.dirTransmit, SERIAL_TX_PIN, Uart.dontInvert, SERIAL_RTS_PIN, Uart.speed9600, Uart.stop1);

    public static void main()

    while (true)
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2004-11-08 23:26
    You can specify seperate levels for the data pin and the handshake pin
    in your uart definition:

    static Uart rxUart = new Uart(Uart.dirReceive, SERIAL_RX_PIN, Uart.dontInvert, SERIAL_CTS_PIN, Uart.invert, Uart.speed9600, Uart.stop1);
    static Uart txUart = new Uart(Uart.dirTransmit, SERIAL_TX_PIN, Uart.dontInvert, SERIAL_RTS_PIN, Uart.invert, Uart.speed9600, Uart.stop1);
    This allows you to try all four possible combinations.
    data·········· handshake
    dontInvert·· dontInvert
    dontInvert········ invert
    ····· invert·· dontInvert
    ····· invert········ invert

    One of them should be the right one.

    regards peter

  • UllrottaUllrotta Posts: 12
    edited 2004-11-09 10:43

    Thanks for all help!
    I registered with Yahoo! to access the files at and - Lo and Behold! - I downloaded Andys and it did the trick! Removing the flow control all together solved my problem, and I'm now happily throwing myself at the next problem!

    Thanks again!
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