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oem basic stamp 1 questions — Parallax Forums

oem basic stamp 1 questions

markmcleod50markmcleod50 Posts: 27
edited 2004-11-01 02:09 in BASIC Stamp
I have been using a bs2p40 with the demo board for some projects and would like to know if the basic stamp oem 1, Stock#: 27295, [noparse][[/noparse]] would do the same thing. Basically where and how do I attach the serial cable to the oem version and the power supply? Also, which pins are inputs and which are outputs...or are pins P0 through P7 both ins and outs. I am considering the oem because of space issues. I would like to attach a light sensor to an input, when the light falls below a certain level two small maglite flashlight bulbs will turn on, when then light goes back up to a certain level, the lights will turn off and music will play. The music or voice recording module I want to use is a Radioshack 9 volt 20 second recording module, Stock #276-1323. [noparse][[/noparse]]. How do i get 9 volts out of a basic stamp for the sound module but only 1.5 volts for the lamps? Is the oem version self I dont need any other components? thanks for all the help. mark


  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2004-11-01 02:09

    If you want the BASIC Stamp 1 and you would like it to be small, get the Rev Dx - which is just about as small as the OEM version. The difference is the ease of connections with the battery and programming port. It's here: You will need the BASIC Stamp 1 Windows Adapter to program it from Windows using a serial cable. The adapter is here

    Pins P0-P7 are inputs/outputs. Everything you described is acceptable to the BASIC Stamp, including the RadioShack playback module. It has a button for playback which you would either need to remove or actuate.

    The Rev Dx has a 9V Vin pin available for the sound module, too. For the lamps you will either need to make a voltage divider with resistors or use an additional regulator to step down the voltage.

    I don't think you'd need other components from Parallax.

    Ken Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
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