Actually Daniel, unless something has changed, the clickable links have always been there, but when people use the "Quick Reply" feature, I think they weren't becoming links then.· Whenever I have posted links they were okay, but I have never used the "Quick Reply."
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Chris Savage
Knight Designs 324 West Main Street P.O. Box 97 Montour Falls, NY 14865 (607) 535-6777
I am pretty sure that the link has always been in the email message. The code that generates the email doesn't look to see how the post was created. It fires off a copy of any new post or reply to the subscribed members. Of course, some of these messages can be quite lenghty and they get worse if there is embedded HTML, so the link is not visible unless one were to scroll down through the email.
We're close to getting the HTML filter on-line so that email messages are text only. Then we can go backwards and offer text or HTML formatted email messages. It does get interesting because the posts are stored with an embedded tagging system. Translating that to HTML should be a lot of fun.
I was referring to the URLs in the body of the email distribution of the fora messages.
Earlier, the URL was passed directly with the square bracketed dotNetBB tags; now they seem to come thru as a different format (i.e., the dotNetBB tags stripped).
For example, on 12-OCT-2004, this came to me from this forum:
Are you talking about the BASIC Stamps Archive? I just tried to mark the forum as 'read' and have the same results. It seems that the first message, "[noparse][[/noparse]url=] May update[noparse][[/noparse]/url]" is still appearing as unread, which will make the forum appear to have new, unread messages. Are you seeing the same thing?
and on 27-OCT-2004, I received this from the Robotics forum:
I just answered my own question.· It seems that in the message from the Robotics forum, the OP did not apply the dotNetBB URL tag to the link, and thus it came thru 'cleanly' to the email reader.
Outlook and Outlook Express will make a URL clickable if it can make sense of the URL. It works if there is white space in front of the protocol component (http://) and will continue until it sees white space again. So, should appear as a link but "" should not. pages.asp should show a link up to and including the word 'index'.
Now I get to see if this really worked [noparse]:)[/noparse]
So much for the white space theory. The link contained within quotes shows up as a link in the email, but the last link is truncated after the the word 'index'. I need another cup of coffee.
Coffee...I drink mine green from the Dew container.· <grin>
I just noticed in·the email message I received about the two examples, that the URL in the Robotics example was enclosed in the dotNetBB [noparse][[/noparse]URL] tags.·
Don't let this little matter divert you from the tag filtering project at large, or ther important things.· The note was, as stated, just a note of thanks.
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
Business Page:··
Personal Page:···
Designs Page:···
We're close to getting the HTML filter on-line so that email messages are text only. Then we can go backwards and offer text or HTML formatted email messages. It does get interesting because the posts are stored with an embedded tagging system. Translating that to HTML should be a lot of fun.
Parallax IT Dept.
I was referring to the URLs in the body of the email distribution of the fora messages.
Earlier, the URL was passed directly with the square bracketed dotNetBB tags; now they seem to come thru as a different format (i.e., the dotNetBB tags stripped).
For example, on 12-OCT-2004, this came to me from this forum:
and on 27-OCT-2004, I received this from the Robotics forum:
This is a servo-based gripper. $15.00, or $45.00 with Servo's installed.
Anyway, I was just commenting that, in my Outlook Express reader, the URL is clickable.
Keep up the good work!· The improvements (and even the presence of) the email distribution of the fora messages are much appreciated.
Post Edited (daniel) : 10/28/2004 12:17:02 PM GMT
I just answered my own question.· It seems that in the message from the Robotics forum, the OP did not apply the dotNetBB URL tag to the link, and thus it came thru 'cleanly' to the email reader.
Now I get to see if this really worked [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Parallax IT Dept.
Parallax IT Dept.
I just noticed in·the email message I received about the two examples, that the URL in the Robotics example was enclosed in the dotNetBB [noparse][[/noparse]URL] tags.·
Don't let this little matter divert you from the tag filtering project at large, or ther important things.· The note was, as stated, just a note of thanks.
Parallax IT Dept.