Input/Output Pin resistors
I noticed that many of the connections between the B2 and other ICs have a 10k pullup/pulldown resistor.· Can someone educate me about exactally what the purpose of this would be.
I noticed that many of the connections between the B2 and other ICs have a 10k pullup/pulldown resistor.· Can someone educate me about exactally what the purpose of this would be.
Sid Weaver
Try the Stamp Tester
If the INPUT pin is in fact not connected to *anything*, it looks like an *antenna*, and will pick up any stray RF energy nearby. In the US, there is almost always a 60Hz RF signal flying around from the AC house wiring.
Thus, it is good design practice to 'terminate all inputs'. For the PIC, this means first deciding do you want to tie the pin high or low? If high, you connect the pin through a 10 Kohm resistor to +5. If low, you connect the pin through a 10Kohm resistor to GND. Then the pin no longer operates as an antenna.
I'm running into a problem where my pgm appears to be getting a signal (erratically) from one of the buttons but I am using. I'm using a 10k pull down and have tried different switches just as a test.
The debug screen shows that the program goes to the next subroutine as if the button has been pressed.
I am using a 2N2907A as the switching transistor and the motor is rated for about 50% of the max current. Would an overloaded switching transistor cause a spike or something that would set a pin high or low? The program seems to work fine with an LED in place of the motor.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
As for the power supply, do I have to use a separate wallwart alltogether or could I use two separate regulators off of the same wallwart? Where would I look for resources on building a basic filter that would clean up the current project?
This is an article titled "Reduce Motor Noise". It sounds like exactly what you need.
And yes, if you use one wall-wart with two regulators (with their associated capacitors) you should get enough noise isolation for your BS2.
Are the capacitor specs somewhere in the Parallax docs? I need only 3vdc for the motor so I decided to use a 317 and a 7805 for the system. I don't expect a problem, do you?
Do ya'all think I should start a new topic "Motor Drivers"? we've kind of moved on from Anthony's original question.