How can I transfer data between a BS2p and BS2
Hello, I am writting you because I have a trouble with transfer data between a BS2p and a BS2, I am using the wiring configuration showed in pbasic help for transfer data and programation recommneded, the poit is that it doesn´t work crrectly.
The poryect is about to adquire data from a gas meter, we are using the BS2p to get the data form this meter and we want to emulate the gas meter with BS2 to run some tests.
Program for BS2p is attached.
First we ask to meter for hour and catcj it, if is the 23:50 then we ask for date and catch it, after we ask for two mesures one with a correction factor and the other without this factor both of them have minimun 1 character and a maximun of 7 character, i.e, from 0 to 999,999.
Like I said up, We want to emulate the meter with BS2, but We have had some trouble with data transfering between microcontrolers, I hope that you can help us.
Thanks for your time.
The poryect is about to adquire data from a gas meter, we are using the BS2p to get the data form this meter and we want to emulate the gas meter with BS2 to run some tests.
Program for BS2p is attached.
First we ask to meter for hour and catcj it, if is the 23:50 then we ask for date and catch it, after we ask for two mesures one with a correction factor and the other without this factor both of them have minimun 1 character and a maximun of 7 character, i.e, from 0 to 999,999.
Like I said up, We want to emulate the meter with BS2, but We have had some trouble with data transfering between microcontrolers, I hope that you can help us.
Thanks for your time.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
portocol will be·· serin 1\0,baudmode,[noparse][[/noparse]variable] for transmisor and
serout 1\0,baudmode,[noparse][[/noparse]variable2]
By using conditional compilation baudmodes are easier to setup with any BASIC Stamp.· The attached template is what I use to start all of my programs.· It includeds a conditional compilation block to handle serial baudmodes.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office