Help with science project
I am working on a science project that will use a Basic Stamp II to hammer a nail into a piece of wood.· Do any of you have any good suggestions on a inexpensive device (pneumatic?) to·give the·up/down motion for the·hammer to pound?· The goal of the project is to have someone start the nail and then the 'robot' would finish pounding it in.· Any information that you are willing to share to help me with this would be very much appreciated.· Thank you in advance.
Have a nice day
I am working on a science project that will use a Basic Stamp II to hammer a nail into a piece of wood.· Do any of you have any good suggestions on a inexpensive device (pneumatic?) to·give the·up/down motion for the·hammer to pound?· The goal of the project is to have someone start the nail and then the 'robot' would finish pounding it in.· Any information that you are willing to share to help me with this would be very much appreciated.· Thank you in advance.
Have a nice day
Just curious, what grade level is this and what·are you trying to prove?·
The gantry would be would two metal pieces and some insulating material (wood or plastic), so when the weight connects both sides you'd be able to sense that electrically very easily.
The hard part would be the clutch. Some of the RC hobby stuff should help.
Of course, not as much force as something driving against it. Other ideas would be to use a powerful solenoid directly as the hammer or as you suggest some sort of air hammer but that's out of my league.
Al Williams
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
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