Dell laptop serial port?
I've been playing with my stamp on the BoE. Being a beginner I'm at the flashing an LED level and everything was working fine on my desktop PC. However, when I moved to my laptop I found that although the code appeared to download correctly apart from a brief flicker of the LED just after the program downloaded·nothing happened. I have since noticed that LEDs connected to any port give a brief flicker, presumably once the code has downloaded.
To check that things were as they should be I put a DEBUG command into the code and as if by magic everything started working again. Took the DEBUG out and the problem returned.
At this point it looked like the serial connection from the laptop was implicated. So, I turned off the BoE, disconnected the laptop serial connection and switched the BoE back on and the LED started working just fine. So the program worked fine standalone and had clearly downloaded successfully.
I've tried putting the LED on pins 0, 1 and 2 with the same result.
It looks like there is some strange problem with the serial port on my Dell Inspiron 8000 laptop, if I keep the serial connection "open" using DEBUG the code executes just fine, if I detach the serial connection totally everything works, but if I keep the BoE and laptop connected then my code doesn't seem to work at all and from the flicker of the LEDs it occurs to me that perhaps the stamp is going into sleep mode or something. I'm using the same cable, code and BoE setup·as with my desktop machine.
Has anyone got any thoughts or suggestions on this one?
To check that things were as they should be I put a DEBUG command into the code and as if by magic everything started working again. Took the DEBUG out and the problem returned.
At this point it looked like the serial connection from the laptop was implicated. So, I turned off the BoE, disconnected the laptop serial connection and switched the BoE back on and the LED started working just fine. So the program worked fine standalone and had clearly downloaded successfully.
I've tried putting the LED on pins 0, 1 and 2 with the same result.
It looks like there is some strange problem with the serial port on my Dell Inspiron 8000 laptop, if I keep the serial connection "open" using DEBUG the code executes just fine, if I detach the serial connection totally everything works, but if I keep the BoE and laptop connected then my code doesn't seem to work at all and from the flicker of the LEDs it occurs to me that perhaps the stamp is going into sleep mode or something. I'm using the same cable, code and BoE setup·as with my desktop machine.
Has anyone got any thoughts or suggestions on this one?
2 ways to do..
one, always disconnect serial cable after download and reset, it'll be ok.
second, use Parallax's FTDI USB to serial converter.. and do it as ever on desktop.
in this case always happened on many new model notebook/laptop, and cause problems to several hardware..
Oh well, like you say it looks like I need the USB-serial convertor as unplugging the serial cable all the time when debugging code is a pain.