Seven segment displays NOT ICM7219!

I have a very large display consisting of 26 large 7 segment displays. Because of the need I am using a seperate BCD to seven segment drivers. I do not event want to hear about the ICM7219 UGH!
the stamp will recieve a string of 26 single digit numbers via rs232.·for example:12345678901234567890123456
I want to seperate each number into a nibble so I will end up with 26 nibbles of info.
So according the·the string example above the nibble would be populated with the following:
nibble 1 0001
nibble 2 0010
nibble·3 0011 and so on to
nibble 26 0110
I will have four outputs that feed the data to the BCD to seven segment displays.
I want·to·output nibble one (0001) on the outputs, wait, put nibble two on the outputs (0010) and so on. It will scroll through all 26 and then restart back to nibble 0 and go again.
how do I get the binary data in a nibble to turn on the outputs?
Dave Seip
Dave Seip
Conversion is easy: The ASCII code for "0" is 48, so you can subtract 48 from an ASCII digit to get its decimal value.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office