Memsic to determine direction
Hi guys,
I'm using the memsic 2125 and a BS2 to level a platform. I also need to rotate the platform horizontally to align with the·direction of travel of the platform. Will·a 2125 show any change in output if I rotate it thru the direction of travel? ·If not is there a device that I can use to align the platform with the direction of travel.
I'm using the memsic 2125 and a BS2 to level a platform. I also need to rotate the platform horizontally to align with the·direction of travel of the platform. Will·a 2125 show any change in output if I rotate it thru the direction of travel? ·If not is there a device that I can use to align the platform with the direction of travel.
Analog devices makes mems gyroscopes with pretty decent resolution.· I have to admit that I have not used them, however.· Check them out at:,2879,764%255F801%255F0%255F%255F0%255F,00.html
Peter C. Charles
Director, Research and Technology
CyberBiota, Incorporated
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office