BS2 Identification Woes
I am having a time getting my laptop to find my BS2 through a serial connection (my laptop doesn't have usb).· I have turned off FIFO.· I get Loopback: No·· and Echo: No about 2/3 of the time.
Pin1 TX· -8.45v
Pin2 RX· -3.67v
Pin3 ATN· 0v
Pin4 GND· 0v
Went through this check list also:
Any ideas?
Thanks for your help,
Post Edited ("Hello world!") : 10/21/2004 4:51:42 PM GMT
I am having a time getting my laptop to find my BS2 through a serial connection (my laptop doesn't have usb).· I have turned off FIFO.· I get Loopback: No·· and Echo: No about 2/3 of the time.
Pin1 TX· -8.45v
Pin2 RX· -3.67v
Pin3 ATN· 0v
Pin4 GND· 0v
Went through this check list also:
Check your power supply.
If you are using a PC:
·(1) Make sure you have the most resent version of the software for the
·product you are using from our web site at
(2) Some systems have their FIFO on for the serial ports. Make sure this
·is turned off.
(3) Some new systems (Dells, Gateways) will allow you to program the
·stamp but will not let it run with the programming cable attached or
·only run when a debug command is in the code. This is a know problem and
·is being worked on. In the mean time the only fix is unplugging the
·cable or putting a debug command in the code.
(4) We have found some new PC's allow you to set the state of a Parallel
·and/or Com port. You will want to make sure that these settings are to
·ON and not auto or off.
(5) Check your power supply.
(6) If you have made your own board please check schematic to insure
·proper wiring.
(7) If you have a Palm pilot or WinCE device software on you system make
·sure that the software is disabled. Unplugging the unit will not stop
·the software from taking or the port.
(8) Make sure you are using the correct software for the operating
·system you are running. Please check for the most
·recent software available. Note: The Dos software will only work in true
·DOS 3.0 and higher and the Windows software is compatible with 95, 98,
·NT, XP, ME and 2K.
(9) If you are using ·a system with out a dbp9 serial port you will want
·to use or the
·· These are the only to that
·we have go to work with the timing of the stamp during programming.
If you are using a PC:
·(1) Make sure you have the most resent version of the software for the
·product you are using from our web site at
(2) Some systems have their FIFO on for the serial ports. Make sure this
·is turned off.
(3) Some new systems (Dells, Gateways) will allow you to program the
·stamp but will not let it run with the programming cable attached or
·only run when a debug command is in the code. This is a know problem and
·is being worked on. In the mean time the only fix is unplugging the
·cable or putting a debug command in the code.
(4) We have found some new PC's allow you to set the state of a Parallel
·and/or Com port. You will want to make sure that these settings are to
·ON and not auto or off.
(5) Check your power supply.
(6) If you have made your own board please check schematic to insure
·proper wiring.
(7) If you have a Palm pilot or WinCE device software on you system make
·sure that the software is disabled. Unplugging the unit will not stop
·the software from taking or the port.
(8) Make sure you are using the correct software for the operating
·system you are running. Please check for the most
·recent software available. Note: The Dos software will only work in true
·DOS 3.0 and higher and the Windows software is compatible with 95, 98,
·NT, XP, ME and 2K.
(9) If you are using ·a system with out a dbp9 serial port you will want
·to use or the
·· These are the only to that
·we have go to work with the timing of the stamp during programming.
Any ideas?
Thanks for your help,
Post Edited ("Hello world!") : 10/21/2004 4:51:42 PM GMT
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
I tried another computer and the Loopback: No and Echo: Yes but no Device Type was found. I have a SumoBot and a BS2 on a board and they both aren't connecting on both computers. I have tried two different serial cables and one parallel cable.
Not sure what to try next. Are the voltages on the pins okay?
Thanks for your help,
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
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