Looking for info on 8086 max design
Hi all...
For the past month I have been learning about the BS-2 controller.· It is really an amazing device and is easy to program, and has excelent I/O capability as well.· However, it does not have much in the mathematics department.
With that being said, I am looking for plans/schematics for an 8086 max mode computer (single board) that I can use to controll·several BS-2s with.· My intention is to build a hex walker bot, (I just might buy the unit sold by parallax), and use the BS-2s to controll the servos.· I would use the 8086 along with the 8087 to do floating point geometric calculations for obsticle avoidance, among other things.· I possibly might even consider using an 8089 programmable I/O processor. (I have a small stash of 8089 chips.) I used to be fairly adept in 8088/8086 assembly, but I think that it would come back to me rather quickly.
My goal is to build as much autonomy into my creature as possible, and model it on real life six legged creatures, with each leg having it's own "sub processor", (ganglia), and the sub processors being controlled and cooridinated by a "master" processor,·or the 'brain'.· (Bugs don't really have brains as we know them.)· I also have ideals about stress sensors in the feet of the critter, and antenna that· would be connected to very high impedance voltage detectors in order to detect the presence of other nearby bots or life forms (mainly felines).
Any·ideals would be greatly appreciated.· There seems to be a great dearth of info·on the old micro procesors,·let alone schematics and such.
Thanks in advance!
For the past month I have been learning about the BS-2 controller.· It is really an amazing device and is easy to program, and has excelent I/O capability as well.· However, it does not have much in the mathematics department.
With that being said, I am looking for plans/schematics for an 8086 max mode computer (single board) that I can use to controll·several BS-2s with.· My intention is to build a hex walker bot, (I just might buy the unit sold by parallax), and use the BS-2s to controll the servos.· I would use the 8086 along with the 8087 to do floating point geometric calculations for obsticle avoidance, among other things.· I possibly might even consider using an 8089 programmable I/O processor. (I have a small stash of 8089 chips.) I used to be fairly adept in 8088/8086 assembly, but I think that it would come back to me rather quickly.
My goal is to build as much autonomy into my creature as possible, and model it on real life six legged creatures, with each leg having it's own "sub processor", (ganglia), and the sub processors being controlled and cooridinated by a "master" processor,·or the 'brain'.· (Bugs don't really have brains as we know them.)· I also have ideals about stress sensors in the feet of the critter, and antenna that· would be connected to very high impedance voltage detectors in order to detect the presence of other nearby bots or life forms (mainly felines).
Any·ideals would be greatly appreciated.· There seems to be a great dearth of info·on the old micro procesors,·let alone schematics and such.
Thanks in advance!