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Question on Serial communication with a PBASIC — Parallax Forums

Question on Serial communication with a PBASIC

Drud0616Drud0616 Posts: 26
edited 2004-10-21 20:45 in BASIC Stamp
Hey,·I am working on a project for a class of mine.· Basically it will be an "automatic bartender" and since I am a beginner with microcontrollers I decided to go with the Basic Stamp.· I have a couple of questions that I hope this forum can help me with.··How would I establish·a serial connection so the microcontroller can communicate with a pc user interface.· Is this done through the same connection that is used to program the BS2?· What methods or resources·can I use in order to make this process as painless as possible?· Keep in mind that I'm a beginner.

Post Edited By Moderator (Jon Williams) : 10/21/2004 4:51:08 PM GMT


  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2004-10-21 04:09

    The BASIC Stamp is programmed with PBASIC.

    Yes, serial communication with a PC can happen with the same pins used for programming. Start by reviewing the DEBUG and SERIN/SEROUT commands in the BASIC Stamp Manual. Even more importantly, take a look at the What's a Microcontroller projects. You can download the text for free.

    There are also lots of neat serial port utilities to connect the Stamp to your PC for data display/datalogging. Check out StampDAQ (stream data into Excel) or StampPlot (graph data from a BASIC Stamp) as examples.

    Of course, some customers prefer to write their own interface with VB, Delphi, etc but the chances are good that you can accomplish most of what you want to do either with our BASIC Stamp Windows editor or one of our free utilities.

    What, exactly do you want to do with the PC as far as serial connections are concerned?

    We can help!

    Ken Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
  • Drud0616Drud0616 Posts: 26
    edited 2004-10-21 15:56
    Excellent, thanks for the help Ken.· I'll check out
    the rescourses you told me about.
  • Larry~Larry~ Posts: 242
    edited 2004-10-21 20:45
    If you a beta·tester let me know·
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