How do I stop PSC from sending pulses?
Servos are not well balanced. Motor servos are very hard to stop.
Is there a !SC command to tell the Parallax Servo Controller
to stop sending pulses on a specific channel?
Stop on all channels?
I want to stop, use the Devantech SRF08 scanning left and right,
then steer in a new direction. I need a dead stop.
Trying for the 1.5ms pulse, even inputting position,
is not good enough.
Is there a !SC command to tell the Parallax Servo Controller
to stop sending pulses on a specific channel?
Stop on all channels?
I want to stop, use the Devantech SRF08 scanning left and right,
then steer in a new direction. I need a dead stop.
Trying for the 1.5ms pulse, even inputting position,
is not good enough.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
In experimenting, I try to keep 6VDC into the PSC terminals.
I am driving 11 servos and the voltage varies.
I find that the width of the centering pulse to stop the servo does
depend on applied voltage. Surprising, yet true.
OK, What is the command to reset or turn off the PSC?
I really need to stop the pulses.
·· First, we'll cover the basics.· The range in pulses for a servo is 250 to 1250 with the center being 750.· If you send a command for 750 ($02EE) and the servo still moves, there are only three reasons (that I know of) that would cause the servo to continue moving.
1)· The servo has not been properly calibrated to center.
2)· The servo is malfunctioning.
3)· The servo is overvoltaged.· Most hobby servos will tolerate 7.2 V without odd behavior.· You may have a servo that must run on 4.8V· (5V should be OK).
· Have yout tried a diffferent servo, or running that one on 5V?
John B.
· I should have mentioned that we are working on a version (1.4) that will allow you to stop sending pulses to a particular servo, but at the rate things are going around here, it won't be released until December.· The new version will offer a few other nifty commands as well, but I'd rather not go into detail at this time.
John B.
The ridiculusly small number of bytes for variables in the BS2 on the BOE makes
it very diffciult to calibrate the SRF08 beam pattern.
By the way, in an attempt to reduce peak current, I put a PAUSE 2 between
each SEROUT to the PSC. I was hoping this would distribute the pulses.
It did not seem to help? Does the PSC do its own spreading out of when the
pulses are sent?
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
·· The PSC sends pulses to each servo every 20mSec continuously.· Due to your request, and the request of a few others.· I have bumped up the new firmware for the PSC by a couple of weeks.· I think the next rev will really help people with trickier implementations.
John B.
· I've had to send mine in before for firmware updates, so, yes, you would.
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
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