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Anyone please help!!!

GuidoGuido Posts: 195
edited 2004-10-19 17:48 in BASIC Stamp
I would apprecaite if someone could tell me what I am doing wrong. I am trying to log Low and High Temperatures at the time it happens. With this program I continue to elaspe time until Low or High temperatures are out of range.
I did remove the "=" out of the equation =<, or => but the logic will not function. I have tried other logic statements, but it seems to never get past the statement to save it. Any help would be appreciated

SHIFTOUT DQ,Clock,LSBFIRST,[noparse][[/noparse]RdTmp]
SHIFTIN DQ,Clock,LSBPRE,[noparse][[/noparse]tempIn\9]
LOW Reset
tempIn.BYTE1 = -tempIn.BIT8 ' extend sign
tempC=tempIn*5 'Celsius value *10, resolution 0.5 degree
tempF = tempC + 1000 * 9 / 5 - 1800 + 320
TL=(TEMPF + 1024) MAX (TL+1024) - 1024
TH=(TEMPF + 1024) MIN (TH + 1024) -1024
IF TEMPF/10 => TH/10 THEN U:
IF TEMPF/10 =< TL/10 THEN V:

· SHIFTOUT DTA, Clk, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]%1\1,BrstReg\5,%10\2]
· SHIFTIN DTA, Clk, LSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]Seconds,Minutes,Hours,Date,Month,Day,Year]
· SHIFTOUT DTA, Clk, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]%1\1,BrstReg\5,%10\2]
· SHIFTIN DTA, Clk, LSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]Seconds,Minutes,Hours,Date,Month,Day,Year]


  • Jon WilliamsJon Williams Posts: 6,491
    edited 2004-10-18 19:14
    See if this helps.·

    ' {$STAMP BS2}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
      HIGH Reset
      SHIFTOUT DQ,Clock,LSBFIRST,[noparse][[/noparse]RdTmp]
      SHIFTIN DQ,Clock,LSBPRE,[noparse][[/noparse]tempIn\9]
      LOW Reset
      tempIn.BYTE1 = -tempIn.BIT8
      tempF = tempC + 1000 * 9 / 5 - 1800 + 320
      TL=(tempF + 1024) MAX (TL+1024) - 1024
      TH=(tempF + 1024) MIN (TH + 1024) -1024
      IF ((tempF/10) => (TH/10)) THEN
        location = 900
        GOSUB Save
        TH = tempF
      IF (tempF/10) <= (TL/10) THEN
        location = 150
        GOSUB Save
        TL = tempF
      SHIFTOUT DTA, Clk, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]%1\1,BrstReg\5,%10\2]
      SHIFTIN DTA, Clk, LSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]Seconds,Minutes,Hours,Date,Month,Day,Year]
      WRITE location,Hours,Minutes,Seconds,Date,Month,Day,Year

    And is 900 a safe location to write to?

    Jon Williams
    Applications Engineer, Parallax
    Dallas Office

    Post Edited (Jon Williams) : 10/18/2004 8:07:02 PM GMT
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2004-10-18 19:51

    "never get past the statement to save it"

    I am not sure what you mean by that.

    Have you tried this with debug commands in place of the saves, to see if the logic is working as you want?

    I don't understand either what the logic is supposed to do. The values TH and TL are moving targets. That is, TH is pushed up so that it is always higher than the current temperature, and then you want to branch if the current temperature is higher than TH. That will never happen!

    Math note: Note that division, as in...
    IF (tempF/10) <= (TL/10)
    will not work if the temperature is negative. But I don't think that is the problem here.

    Tracy Allen
  • GuidoGuido Posts: 195
    edited 2004-10-18 20:37
    I gave that a try, but I still have the problem of the clock running until either·TH or·TL does not equal TH or TL. Any other ideas. I was thinking about a flag, but how would I reset it? Also don't laugh, but I still have not figured out how to read the memory map. I did some reading and they said as far as memory locations they would not be displayed in the map..The whole project seems to work except the constant writing of either low or high temperatures when the confitions exisits.

    I am not going to be dealing with negative temperatures, probably as low as I will see is about 20F. Also when I said I can not get by to save the readings was when I removed the equal sign.
    I did remove the "=" out of the equation =<, or => but the logic will not function. I have tried other logic statements, but it seems to never get past the statement to save it. Any help would be appreciated

    IF TEMPF/10 > TH/10 THEN U:
    IF TEMPF/10 < TL/10 THEN V:

    If I can get this statement to work, then I can flag it from repeating itself.
  • allanlane5allanlane5 Posts: 3,815
    edited 2004-10-19 13:06
    It looks like the 'WRITE' command (inside SAVE[noparse]:)[/noparse] is gumming up the works.
    He sets 'location' to be 150 or 900, then uses WRITE to write a set of data to that location.
    Is that correct useage?
  • Jon WilliamsJon Williams Posts: 6,491
    edited 2004-10-19 13:25
    I'm sure location 150 is safe; location 900 is pushing toward the half-way point in the EEPROM and may be overwriting his program.

    Jon Williams
    Applications Engineer, Parallax
    Dallas Office
  • GuidoGuido Posts: 195
    edited 2004-10-19 13:36

    I think it is working ok. Jon's example with using a variable does save space...This is one of my biggest problems when being new and writing a new program....Dam I love the challenge!!!!

    This is for Jon.

    Why can I not use a statement Like:

    IF ((tempF/10) => (TH/10))AND NOT TEMPF/10=TH/10·THEN ADDR = 900
    GOSUB Save

    Again with using your statement the = to or greater·will make it constantly write until the conditions are not equal..

    I have tried this statement but I can not get by that dang =.
    Also the memory map is free from 033 - 200.....does that mean 900 is a bad location? seems to work ok?
  • Jon WilliamsJon Williams Posts: 6,491
    edited 2004-10-19 13:56
    Why do you have to divide by 10 on each side?· This should work and give you the result you want:

    IF (tempF >= TH) THEN 
      addr = 900 
      GOSUB Save 

    Note: You're already using PBASIC 2.5 syntax, so stick with it.· *Good* programming practice says NOT to put THEN claues on the same line as the IF-THEN statement.

    If your Memory Map is painting address 900 with a blue background then you are overwriting part of your program -- don't do this!

    Jon Williams
    Applications Engineer, Parallax
    Dallas Office
  • GuidoGuido Posts: 195
    edited 2004-10-19 15:11
    Thanks for your help, but this still continues to elapse time. On startup both TH and TL will count time until tempf <> TH or TL. When condions are equal they continue to run the time. I have attached program, maybe something I have done is causing this.
    Really thanks for your help...we will get it to work!
  • Jon WilliamsJon Williams Posts: 6,491
    edited 2004-10-19 16:30
    As I'm looking at your listing I have these comments/suggestions:

    1. Use our standard template -- it will help you keep your code more organized (attached).
    2. Use PIN instead of CON for IO pins
    3. You don't need to use multiple DEBUGs -- you can separate items with commas
    4. Single-letter labels are difficult to follow and give the reader no help -- be verbose with your labels
    5. Intent code that is part of a loop (FOR-NEXT, DO-WHILE) or IF-THEN-ENDIF block

    Enough on style ... you are recalculating TH and TL before you do the save comparison.· Shouldn't you do this after?

    IF (tempF > TH) THEN
      addr = 170
      GOSUB Save
      TH = ((tempF + 1024) MIN (TH + 1024)) - 1024
    IF (tempF < TL) THEN
      addr = 150
      GOSUB Save
      TL = ((tempF + 1024) MAX (TL + 1024)) - 1024

    Jon Williams
    Applications Engineer, Parallax
    Dallas Office
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2004-10-19 16:48
    How about this, using SELECT-CASE logic. This sends the program to the Save routine whenever the temperture exceeds the previous limit, and then expands the limit. You could put the equals sign in there if you want it to do the Save also if it equals the previous limit. (Assuming 150 and 900 are safe eeprom locations!--why those locations?)

      HIGH Reset
      SHIFTOUT DQ,Clock,LSBFIRST,[noparse][[/noparse]RdTmp]
      SHIFTIN DQ,Clock,LSBPRE,[noparse][[/noparse]tempIn\9]
      LOW Reset
      tempIn.BYTE1 = -tempIn.BIT8
      tempF = tempC + 1000 * 9 / 5 - 1800 + 320
      SELECT tempF
       CASE >TH
         location = 900
        GOSUB Save
        TH = tempF
       CASE <TL  
         location = 150
        GOSUB Save
        TL = tempF

    (The previous program would never get to the Save routine, because it was expanding the limit _before_ it tested the branch condition.).

    Tracy Allen
  • GuidoGuido Posts: 195
    edited 2004-10-19 17:38
    Jon and Tracy,

    Thank you both for your help. I am new to all this and even with all the reading I have done it seems I learn better by example. I usually spend a lot of time working on it before I ask for help.

    First off I choose 150 and 170 by chance. I have no data between 033 and 200.

    After Jon mentioned how to find the area, I could not find 900 in the upper attached program. Jon I really do appreciate all the advice and as far as the debug I was just trying to put all information to be displayed in a block order. I do realalize this takes up programming space.

    Tracy I just looked at your sample, never using the select, here we go I will give it a try and see what happens....will let both of you know

    This will cause the High temperature to continue to count even if the Tempf is lower then TH. I think all the calculations are done above with the tempf and conversion to·TH and TL.

    Again thank you both again!!!!!

    IF (tempF > TH) THEN
    · addr = 170
    · TH = ((tempF + 1024) MIN (TH + 1024)) - 1024
    · GOSUB Save
    · ENDIF

    IF (tempF < TL) THEN
    · addr = 150
    · GOSUB Save
    · TL = ((tempF + 1024) MAX (TL + 1024)) - 1024

    Using this formula will give me the proper conditions, but it will keep the clock running until the TH or TL are not equal.

    TL=(TEMPF + 1024) MAX (TL+1024) - 1024
    TH=(TEMPF + 1024) MIN (TH + 1024) -1024

    IF (tempF >= TH) THEN
    · addr = 170
    · GOSUB Save
    · ENDIF

    IF (tempF <= TL) THEN
    · addr = 150
    · GOSUB Save
    · ENDIF
  • GuidoGuido Posts: 195
    edited 2004-10-19 17:48
    Jon and Tracy,
    Tracy your program was right on the money worked perfect!! Again want to Thank both of you. I am going to clean up this program and try and learn how to save the data I have just got.
    Again thank you both for your time!!!
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