Can an ESC be used instead of a servo when connecting to the Parallax Servo Controller?
I'm looking at this ESC (Electronic Speed Controller):
And this servo controller:
I'm looking at this ESC (Electronic Speed Controller):
And this servo controller:
Wish my gps module manufacturer(Laipac) could offer such quick and professional service. (1 month waiting on a simple repair...)
So, to sum up my thoughts, THEORETICALLY IT WILL WORK.
I have yet to test it because i'm still waiting on canada post.
In practice, you need to determine the exact values the ESC is expecting in terms of signal. This can and must be confirmed with the manufacturer so choose wisely.
Now, how I set it up is simple.
Lithium polymer powers ESC(with low voltage cutoff) and BS2(with its own low voltage cutoff). The BEC(battery elemination circuit) from the ESC powers the PSC.
What i have to suggest as a final comment, is to purchase a Astroflight servo tester to make sure everything works proper(~25$ from tower hobbies) while not setup with the PSC. This is how I determined that it wasn't the PSC causing the problem, it was infact the ESC that was defective(wiped).
Now that futaba you linked looks great, I am quite certain it will work, although i wouldn't be willing to bet the farm on it. Definately worth a shot. Keep in mind that you would need 2 power sources if using this controller. If you are like me and appreciate more "bang for your buck" you could get an ESC with BEC and have 1 power source. They call it BEC because traditionally electric R/C use a battery for the motor and another for the Receiver/servos.·It has become more and more popular for obvious reasons.
Post Edited (Jonny555) : 10/19/2004 1:19:07 PM GMT
The output of Q2 is tied to the white signal wire (for Futaba Servos and most ESC's), also connect a common ground between your BS2 supply and the black wire of the ESC. R15 is used to "center" the ESC and R16 is used to adjust the period (~17ms). U7 is used to control the speed of the ESC. Send a "0" to the digi pot and get full reverse and send "15" to the pot and get full forward. This is based on 1000us and 2000us pulse width, and adjusting R15 to 1500us when U7 is sent a "7". The drawback with this circuit is as the pulse width is adjusted, the period is adjusted. This is not really and issue since most servos/ESCs work well with a 10ms-25ms period. VCC is my regulated 5V supply
I tested and adjusted this circuit with a servo using VCC for the servo's positive input (red wire)
If you have any more questions, let me know