microphone and speakers
I am trying to figure out how to combine 100 microphones and 100 small speakers to basically act as the game you play in school where you pass on a message. One microphone will be placed in front of a speaker, that mic will be connected to another speaker whcih will have a microphone in front of that speaker and so on. The message will repeat itself through the 100 speakers and mics and keep repeating. I do not care about high quality, because I want the words first spoken to degrade and become confusing over time. The cheaper the parts the better. Anyone have any ideas or part suggestions? Thanks, mark
Now the trick is to turn on the slave units and have them transmit the sound to each of the 99 units. I'd think about using a BS1 on each slave (hey you said you wanted a solution, not a cheap solution!) that waits for an IR signal, then turns ON the Record button for 20 seconds. After that it would turn ON the output IR signal to the next slave unit (which kicks that one into record mode), then toggle the playback button to repeat the message. If you can avoid the BS1 (blasphemy!) you might be able to come up with another circuit that does the same thing for much cheaper.
Sounds like it would make a good playa project???
Oh wait, you said the cheaper the better. OK back to square 1.