responce of a BS2 or B2p on a photocell changing its status
Hello friends,
I am wondering how fast a BS2 or BS2p could understand
that a photocell connected to one of its I/O pins has received a shot
from a rotating laser.
This is a fast phainomenon. I assume that the laser would have 300 prm
and the photocell would be aproximately 30meters away from the laser.
Any ideas?
I am wondering how fast a BS2 or BS2p could understand
that a photocell connected to one of its I/O pins has received a shot
from a rotating laser.
This is a fast phainomenon. I assume that the laser would have 300 prm
and the photocell would be aproximately 30meters away from the laser.
Any ideas?
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
at your project probably you used a laser and a phototransistor at close range.
Do you think that the time the rotational laser with 300rpm will light the phototransistor which is 30meters away is long enough to triger it?
If you rotate a laser at 300 rpm, or 5 cycles per second,
then the distance travelled at 30 meters equals
2 * pi * 30 = 188.4 m travelled in one cycle.
So the speed of the rotating 'end' of the laser beam is
188.4 * 5 = 942 m/s.
Assuming the sensor has a 1 cm wide surfuce,
this sensor will be illumunated for approx.
0.01 / 942 = 10.6 us.
Is the stamp capable of detecting that small pulses?
The further away the rotating laser is from the sensor,
the smaller the width of the sensor, or the higher the
rotation speed of the laser, the width of the pulse
will be smaller. Or did I misinterpret the setup?
regards peter
The problem is even worst.
As for gathering light, you may need some kind of lens to gather and focus your laser light onto the sensor so that you get it to trigger properly.· Perhaps you can increase the sensitiving of your receiver by taking the optotransistor output into a comparitor -- that will let you adjust the trigger threshold for the light you have.· It's likely that you're going to need a fairly sensitive setup, so you should shield your receving end carefully.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
10 us pulse once every 0.2 seconds.
The bs2p detects as small as 0.75 us. Cool.
regards peter
Quick Facts
of the divergence of the laser beam. I suggest that you measure the size of the laser spot at 30 meters and
factor this additional illumination time into the pulse-width calculation.
I would also suggest using a PIN photodiode because of its fast response time. Most phototransistors are
too slow for your application.
Where can I buy them?
I'm not sure what you want the Stamp to do once it receives the "shot" from the laser. In addition to the COUNT and PULSIN commands that others have mentioned, you might look at the POLLWAIT 8 command on the BS2p. The Stamp sits there waiting indefinitely for an input on a selected pin, and as soon as that input occurs, the program continues with execution of the instruction after the POLLWAIT 8. It lets you sychronize a segment of code with an external input.
The manual does not say exactly how short the pulse can be, but my guess is ~1 microsecond; that the "response time" of 160 microseconds stated in the manual has more to do with the interpretation of the next instruction than it does with the detection of the input pulse.
Tracy Allen
What is the type and model number of the laser you are using? Do you have any specifications on the output power or
beam divergence angle? These specs would be helpful in selecting a suitable photodetector.
Will the laser and photodetector be used outside? Outdoor applications usually require special considerations to reduce the
effect of sunlight, such as using filters and sunshades.
My application is an outdoor.
I am planning to buy a rotational laser lets say Topcon·or·or
Firstly I·want to build·my custom laser sensor based on a BStamp which I am going to use for controlling
simple, custom made earthmoving equipment·. For solving of hardware and software problems of the sensor
I am using a laser diode (class 2, 600nm, <1mW) in a range or 5m (beam diameter 6.5mm).
Since you are going to buy a Topcon laser, you might consider buying one of their matching receivers and
using its optics and detector.
Dave G