What's wrong? Please Help !
Hello Everyone,
I'm trying to run this code with my BS2, I don't understand what I'm doindg wrong,
counter var nib
FOR counter=0 to 9
pause 1000
goto loop
With this program I suppost to counted between 0 and 9.
PLease if any body can help me I will be glad.
This is my schematic:
I'm trying to run this code with my BS2, I don't understand what I'm doindg wrong,
counter var nib
FOR counter=0 to 9
pause 1000
goto loop
With this program I suppost to counted between 0 and 9.
PLease if any body can help me I will be glad.
This is my schematic:

counter··· VAR· · Nib
myDigit··· VAR·· ·OUTA
· DIRA = %1111
· FOR counter = 0 TO 9
··· myDigit = counter
··· PAUSE 1000
· GOTO Main
Now you just need to double-check your connections -- perhaps pin 5 needs to be pulled high, and pin 4 left floating.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
I did as you said, but i still don't see nothing.
Just clear somethig with me, when I try to program using Stamp Editor v2.1, the program ask me to select a Basic Stamp mode Bs1, BS2...., I chose BS2.
Before I change the pin 5 to high, i grounded pin 1, 2, 6, 7 and my display shows the digit zero. Now my pin 5 is high and 4 is floating.
What can be wrong?
There is no samples in internet using this particular Ic (74ls47).
Thanks for your help.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
I did try that before and I did right now and still don't work.
Any another sugestinion?
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
You was right.
I cut in hafl my wires, and seven segments start to display the numbers. I was using long cables jumpers from my BS2 Board Education to my breadboard. I'm sorry about this mistake.
Thank You so much for your help.
You went and BOUGHT the part, so you could verify the guy's problem?
Man, and I thought working Sunday's was above and beyond.
You're Da Man!
Just kidding.· But yes, I popped by a store and bought the part so that I could help out.· It's how we do things at Parallax.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office