Impact Switch / Hammer Switch
I am working on a project that involves collecting some analog data with a BS2p.· The data collection needs to start when a hammer hits the concrete slab.· So,· what I need help with is finding a reliable and reasonably priced impact switch or hammer switch. I have seen a couple out there, but the $175+ price tag is way too expensive.·
Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.
Thank you!
I am working on a project that involves collecting some analog data with a BS2p.· The data collection needs to start when a hammer hits the concrete slab.· So,· what I need help with is finding a reliable and reasonably priced impact switch or hammer switch. I have seen a couple out there, but the $175+ price tag is way too expensive.·
Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.
Thank you!
· ***··· <-weight
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Make sure it's stiff enough that the switch doesn't touch when the person swings it back.
Tracy Allen