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ezLCD Color TFT for Basic Stamp now has icon graphics command — Parallax Forums

ezLCD Color TFT for Basic Stamp now has icon graphics command

edited 2004-10-17 01:32 in BASIC Stamp
This new command icon, ascii "W" followed by a byte with the icon number that is stored in the flash of the ezlcd gives instant COLOR graphics display. Up to 48k bytes of compressed bitmaps are stored in the ezlcd for instant recall (new firmware shows 23 examples!). The new firmware is available for download at:


  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2004-10-16 15:50
    Whoops!· You have to be a member of that group to use that link...


    Chris Savage

    Knight Designs
    324 West Main Street
    P.O. Box 97
    Montour Falls, NY 14865
    (607) 535-6777

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  • El PaisaEl Paisa Posts: 375
    edited 2004-10-16 17:15
    nono.gif·If you imply this group has nothing to do with this link, you are mistaken.
    If you look what this LCD can do, you never go back to old fashion lcds.
    You will be amazed to see what kind of graphics (including BMPs) can be displayed using a space limited MCU.

  • Fe2o3FishFe2o3Fish Posts: 170
    edited 2004-10-16 18:37
    No, that's not what Chris is implying. What he means is that, in order to access the file at URL you posted, the accessee (including Chris and myself) needs to be a member of the ezlcd group on Yahoo.

    Rusty Haddock = KD4WLZ =
    **Out yonder in the Van Alstyne (TX) Metropolitan Area**
    Microsoft is to software what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking
    edited 2004-10-16 19:12
    Sorry about that, my fault. People that have the product already subscribe to group. Here's the application note web page (no membership req smile.gif) talking about ezLCD Color LCD on Basic Stamp.

    p.s. please email me your pics and codes and links and I'll give you 10 seconds of fame on this web page!!
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2004-10-17 00:27
    Thanks Rusty!· That's exactly right!· I was curious (I have heard of this LCD before) too see what it could do, and when I clicked the link, I was informed that I was not a member of the group.· That's all...

    LCDKING, do you have a regular website/link for this product?

    Chris Savage

    Knight Designs
    324 West Main Street
    P.O. Box 97
    Montour Falls, NY 14865
    (607) 535-6777

    Business Page:··
    Personal Page:···
    Designs Page:···
  • El PaisaEl Paisa Posts: 375
    edited 2004-10-17 01:32
    I am including two pictures.
    The first is the BS2P mounted in the NX-1000 Stamp Works Experiemntal Board and the second is a display of a part od a rotating Compass Rose.
    You can see the two wires connecting the ezLCD port and ground to port 0 of the BS2P.
    For this I used a nice program IconCool Editor. I got the icons from a GPS program library.
    It converts ICO pictures (I have tried up to 240x160 pixels) True color· to BMPs files which I downloaded to the ezLCD.
    I do not mind if you publish the pictures.
    2048 x 1536 - 1M
    2048 x 1536 - 1M
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