newbe from Greece want your help
Hello everybody
Wellcome from Greece, Salonika
I resently entered·this subject through the series of DeAgostini "Constract your own robot".
Allthough things seemed to run very well so far, I have a big promble with my servo.
When I connect it directly to the servo pins it doesn't even want to work, but when I
make the circuit though the breadboard [noparse][[/noparse]white to P13, red to Vin and black to Vss] it operates
smoothly.When I checked the broad I saw that P13 was connected to Vin and P12
(the other servo pin) I thought it was connected to Vm [noparse][[/noparse]I don't think this right of course]
I tested every program that you included in "What's a microcontroller" and "boe-bot mannual"
that I downloaded,·but nothing.Does it recuires any wire changes our is it my fault.
Thank you for your time,
Hello again from Greece,
Wellcome from Greece, Salonika
I resently entered·this subject through the series of DeAgostini "Constract your own robot".
Allthough things seemed to run very well so far, I have a big promble with my servo.
When I connect it directly to the servo pins it doesn't even want to work, but when I
make the circuit though the breadboard [noparse][[/noparse]white to P13, red to Vin and black to Vss] it operates
smoothly.When I checked the broad I saw that P13 was connected to Vin and P12
(the other servo pin) I thought it was connected to Vm [noparse][[/noparse]I don't think this right of course]
I tested every program that you included in "What's a microcontroller" and "boe-bot mannual"
that I downloaded,·but nothing.Does it recuires any wire changes our is it my fault.
Thank you for your time,
Hello again from Greece,

I would be very thankfull if only you say me how to combine the 7-Segment Display with me IR Remote Control
I've done this with debug but not with a display.
Could you sent me a programe.
I don't know how to do it with a BS2 stamp.
Please help me.
First connect with a cable Vin with Vm so the BS2 board can send power to the servos!!!!
As for the 7 segment display and IR remote control you can find information about how to connect it
and how to program it in a greek Forum Site called GreekBotics !!!
more specific in "PROGRAMMATISMOS" topic. Look for a thread named IRmultibot 3.1 ...
the link is
I also made a cheap appmod to connect an LCD to your Deagostini robot also featured in
the above forum in topic "TROPOPOIHSEIS"
Please come Join us for more information.
Post Edited (Tronic (Greece)) : 10/15/2004 12:26:32 PM GMT
Be sure that I'll join your forum for sure.
hello again from Greece
BTW it isn't my forum...
I just post there... and sharing my knowledge to anyone ask for help