·I'm working on building a prototype for an Agricultural Fertilizer Applicaton Monitor. But I I need A partner to help me with setting up the Microcontroller. I am currently working with Basic Stamp 2. This will be a fun, challenging project, and should make us some money. I'm in the Salinas Ca. area. I'll take as little or as much help as you want to supply.
Post Edited (KERBS) : 10/18/2004 3:28:44 PM GMT
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
A question though:
How are you planning to measure the lb's of the fertilizer ? Or do you know the lbs per shaft rotation ?
That is definately a do-able project.
Post Edited (KERBS) : 10/18/2004 3:29:26 PM GMT
····· I've done a a project like this for a specialist in "precision farming". The plan is to not over-seed and then to not over-fertilize.
···· Our system did all the measurements, as you described, and also logged the GPS coordinates every few meters as the tractor moved down the field. As well, it did real-time soil analysis so that it compensated for variations in soil conditions and adjusted the fertilizer application rate. No sense fertilizing a part of the field if it doesn't need it! Then, that data could be plotted, studied, etc, etc.
··· Whole system ran on a BS2sx with a bit of extra memory, LCD screen and some extra inputs and outputs.
··· Not a trivial project, but easily within the capabilities of the Stamp families.
··· Contact me off-forum if you want to discuss. If nothing else you may want to talk to the researcher.
···· sisk1404@nb.sympatico.ca
· Cheers,
·· Tom Sisk
And thank you all, for all the interest. You have all been very kind. I really have high hopes now, that this can really be accomplished
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
thanks again
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
···· To this end I have collected these Items·· cp82c54·with 3 independant 16 bit counter, ·74LS590 8 bit counter, 74HC165 Parallel in/Serial out interface chip, and a 44780 LCD.·· Now, can any one help me from here.· Do I need a to use the 16 bit counter, or will the 8 bit unit work for me.·· And Since the 16 bit counter has 3 independant counters, can I use it for counting both signals from the 2 sensors?· And once I get this assembled, how the heck do I write the code??· AAAAAAAAAAAAAH
If it was easy someone else would have done it already.
If the pulse input is on for 1/2 the time, you just have to look at the signal more often than once per 1.5 seconds to count the pulses. Easy!
If the pulse is only on for 1 microsecond every 3 seconds, the Stamp can't do it without hardware help. i.e. Impossible.
What kind of signal does your sensor put out?
Also, while the Stamp is single threaded, if you have an external timer you can easily run multiple threads if the job is slow enough. Our Co-Processor has timers that let you do it. Your job sounds like it might be slow enough. Coding for multi-threaded robotics applications are on my website. ( www.bluebelldesign.com )
Blue Bell Design Inc. is also a commercial electronic product developer using BASIC Stamps so, if you are interested in hiring a consultant, our services are available to help.
Stamp Robotics to the next level
Blue Bell Design Inc. - Makes Co-Processors, Co-Processors PCB and kits for Stamp applications. There is also a Tech Center section with lots of technical information for beginners to more advanced Stamp users.