Baudrate Setting in Programming for Serial Out
I had a Basic Stamp processor BS2P40 and 5 unit of AImotor(Servo Motor). The AImotor is interface in a TTL via a Translator circuit built from max232. The baudrate for AImotor can only transmitted between range from 9600bps to 11.5kbps. I had tried command like Serout, baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$00FF] and Pulsout Servo, $00FF as perference to the AImotor's protocol as it is communicating in a 8bit serial in/out.
I would like to check if the baudrate I input to my program as in "Baud CON 240" is correct?
The hardware wiring from my Basic Demo board to the translator(Max232) circuit are:-
(a) A pin P0 from Demo Board of BS2P40 as an output serial data to my Max232 pin 13 (Tx of PC or in this case Tx of BS2P40).
(b) A system common ground from Vss of Demo Board of BS2P40 to my Max232 pin 15 (gnd).
Please advice, thanks.
I would like to check if the baudrate I input to my program as in "Baud CON 240" is correct?
The hardware wiring from my Basic Demo board to the translator(Max232) circuit are:-
(a) A pin P0 from Demo Board of BS2P40 as an output serial data to my Max232 pin 13 (Tx of PC or in this case Tx of BS2P40).
(b) A system common ground from Vss of Demo Board of BS2P40 to my Max232 pin 15 (gnd).
Please advice, thanks.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Attached is my basic program.