Tone Decoding help, Please?
Can anyone tell me, or better yet, POINT me to were I can find examples of code for a BS2 to decode 1400hz, 1800hz, and 2300hz tones, and possibly COUNT the number of these frequency pulses?
The usual sequence is to:
1. Decode the phone ring pulses, (20hz)
2. Answer and send a 1400hz tone for 1sec
3. Detect and count either a 1400 or 2300hz tones.
4. Detect if tones were sent at 10 pps, 20 pps, or 40pps.
5. Send 1400 or 2300hz kiss-off tone for 1 sec.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
Can anyone tell me, or better yet, POINT me to were I can find examples of code for a BS2 to decode 1400hz, 1800hz, and 2300hz tones, and possibly COUNT the number of these frequency pulses?
The usual sequence is to:
1. Decode the phone ring pulses, (20hz)
2. Answer and send a 1400hz tone for 1sec
3. Detect and count either a 1400 or 2300hz tones.
4. Detect if tones were sent at 10 pps, 20 pps, or 40pps.
5. Send 1400 or 2300hz kiss-off tone for 1 sec.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
Have a look at our Modem AppMod and the commands referenced above.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
1. Does the audio in and out of a modem allow all audio from the phone line thru?
2. PULSEIN will read the freq, how do I count the pulses, and the pulse RATE?
Thanks again,
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Thank you so much so far,