Fiber optics and the Stamp

Hello from Buck Rogers
Has anyone gotten the BASIC Stamp, in this case a BS1 to talk to a fiber optic based communications setup? I am not writing about specific individual parts, I mean the concept behind the fiber optic technology in general.
Buck Rogers
Has anyone gotten the BASIC Stamp, in this case a BS1 to talk to a fiber optic based communications setup? I am not writing about specific individual parts, I mean the concept behind the fiber optic technology in general.

Buck Rogers
If it's more complex, the 232 to optic ready-made would probably be cheapest.
You are in a maze of twisty passages...all alike...
Yout close. It will be a stamp talking to something else. I haven't decided what the "something else" would be.· Right now I am preparing to evaluate a number of ideas, currently not involving the stamp. But that is one that's close.
Incidentally that's a nice signature. Having played a lot of Adventure I recognize the reference. Mostly on a Linux system, which I've got staring at me now.
Oh and Jon, there's two million tribbles purring at you right now,
Buck Rogers
Yeah, I played a lot of Adventure, too...but...that one is actually from Zork. <g> I'll change my sig now...just don't say it too loud·<g>
No actually that line is indeed from Adventure. The Zork quotes are more confusing like that entire game. I know I played a lot of both. Besides, even Jack Ryan took the time to play computer games, and probably played both. Even though he wrote on an Apple , and used Wordstar.
And now back to our regularly scheduled arguement, ah, discussion about basic stamps.
Buck Rogers