Question about N&V 97
I have a question about article 97 of Nuts and Volts.
In the Get_Number subroutine, there is a statement
IF (inDigits < maxDigits) THEN
However, I don't see anywhere maxDigits was initialized to a value.
It was declared as Nib, so the initial value upon creation is 0.
Can anyone please clarify how the above IF THEN statement will ever be true?
In the Get_Number subroutine, there is a statement
IF (inDigits < maxDigits) THEN
However, I don't see anywhere maxDigits was initialized to a value.
It was declared as Nib, so the initial value upon creation is 0.
Can anyone please clarify how the above IF THEN statement will ever be true?
I believe that the maxDigits = 4 on page 74 of the Nuts and Volts volume 4.· It's listed under the "Get_Passcode:" label.
Since maxDigits does not change throughout the code, I was expecting it to find under Initialization section.