Parallax Discussion Groups are Moving - registering
> >
> > After a few attempts at registering, I realize my PC is not
> > compatable with the software used in your new forum.
> >
> > I wish you well in your new venture and hope someone starts a new
> > Yahoo list to replace this one.
> >
> > Dave
> > (old dog)
> No! No! Don't shoot Dave! Sure, he's an old
> dog, but he still has some good tricks.
> Don't give up Dave -- I'm sure most of this
> early registration foo-bar stuff is only
> initial startup problems. Should be resolved
> in a couple of days. Try again Monday, 'K?
I will keep trying, but I have found that some small percent of sites
I try to visit have Flash as the basis of the site and that is enough
for me to go back to Google.
I have also found JAVA to be a mixed breed, some times it works and
some times it don't. If it doesn't work, then I just find a site
that offers the same thing without the problems.
I'm hoping that if the site is a flash or java site that Parallax
creates a download area in their site that allows for us less
technical folks to see the files and pics and such.
> > After a few attempts at registering, I realize my PC is not
> > compatable with the software used in your new forum.
> >
> > I wish you well in your new venture and hope someone starts a new
> > Yahoo list to replace this one.
> >
> > Dave
> > (old dog)
> No! No! Don't shoot Dave! Sure, he's an old
> dog, but he still has some good tricks.
> Don't give up Dave -- I'm sure most of this
> early registration foo-bar stuff is only
> initial startup problems. Should be resolved
> in a couple of days. Try again Monday, 'K?
I will keep trying, but I have found that some small percent of sites
I try to visit have Flash as the basis of the site and that is enough
for me to go back to Google.
I have also found JAVA to be a mixed breed, some times it works and
some times it don't. If it doesn't work, then I just find a site
that offers the same thing without the problems.
I'm hoping that if the site is a flash or java site that Parallax
creates a download area in their site that allows for us less
technical folks to see the files and pics and such.