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Scrolling text up with an 4 x 20 LCD — Parallax Forums

Scrolling text up with an 4 x 20 LCD

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2004-07-13 19:00 in General Discussion
Hi everybody,

I've send the last time a bunch of questions but now my project
starts to work so my questions will stop very soon [noparse]:)[/noparse] . I'm creating
a large menu wich I can see on my lcd and control with some pb.
There are hex codes for scrolling a text to the left or to the right
but is there a code wich brings the text to the rule above or
beneat? Or does somebody have an easy code script wich does this.
I'm a little short with my memory so I have to be carefull with
writing my codes.

Kindly regards,

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