max. length of interface cable using guibot software (for stamp 2 )
I would like to build an interface cable.
I have some interface cables (about 7 feet
each one) , is it possible to add or join
these interface cables and use one
long interface cable ( for example 79 feet) ?
Thanks, Joe
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I would like to build an interface cable.
I have some interface cables (about 7 feet
each one) , is it possible to add or join
these interface cables and use one
long interface cable ( for example 79 feet) ?
Thanks, Joe
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joe terk <joeterk1@y...> wrote:Hi,
I would like to build an interface cable.
I have some interface cables (about 7 feet
each one) , is it possible to add or join
these interface cables and use one
long interface cable ( for example 79 feet) ?
Thanks, Joe
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[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
good RS-232 driver chips. I also used twisted-pair cable and terminated each
"low" wire to the common ground, even though RS-232 is unbalanced. But your
wire insulation needs to be pretty thick so as to increase the distance
between the wires limit the capacitance effect which can round-off the
square waves. Also, this much capacitance in a long cable can store extra
electrons which needs to go somewhere and can cause ringing of the square
waves on the cable. If you have a scope you can actually see a long cable
ring like a bell with each signal transition. That's why we also added
snubber resistors to terminate the far end of the signal. I think we used
4.7k resistors, but perhaps it was a bit lower in value like 2.7k. We use
680 ohm for balanced audio, but I don't think the RS-232 chips will drive a
600 ohm load, but if they do then 600 would be better. Sorry, but my brain
deletes any information more than 20 years old unless I do refresh, and this
was in the early 80's for computer terminals mounted throughout big offices.
Think of termination resistors as shock absorbers for your car to keep it
from bouncing after you go over a bump.
I don't think the Stamp makes "real spec" RS-232 which implies plus and
minus 12 volts or so. But adding a couple of inexpensive driver chips will
get you some serious current drive ability to help overcome the capacitance
mentioned above. That along with the proper shielded cable to keep RFI and
inductively coupled garbage out of the cable should allow you to get some
real length.
Finally, remember if you're stringing cable through a ceiling, to keep it
away from fluorescent light ballasts which make a lots of noise and flux,
and if it's a plenum ceiling to use fire-code rated cable with Teflon or
non-PVC insulation. Regular PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) insulation breaks down
into chlorine gas in the event of a fire, and if the ceiling is also your
return air-duct (plenum... get it???), you could kill everyone in the
building, or at least the firefighters.... definitely a bad thing (and a
liability issue, per another post).
Mike Sokol
Fits & Starts Productions, LLC
The Leader in Recording & Sound Seminars
"Furthering Technology & EducationT"
Original Message
From: "Philip Gamlbin" <gremlin9367@y...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2004 1:55 AM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] max. length of interface cable using guibot
software (for stamp 2 )
> 79 feet is rather long, but I have personally run RS 232 signals that far.
I believe the IEEE spec is 25 feet.
> joe terk <joeterk1@y...> wrote:Hi,
> I would like to build an interface cable.
> I have some interface cables (about 7 feet
> each one) , is it possible to add or join
> these interface cables and use one
> long interface cable ( for example 79 feet) ?
> Thanks, Joe
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