Kudos for Parallax.
Hello- I have just finished my first basic stamp project. In my
first experience with Parallax products I can say that I am very
impressed with the customer support from Parallax, as well as their
timely manner in shipping orders from their website.
My first project uses a BS2p, the Red-i webserver, and the Emic text-
to-speech module. I bought a plastic skull from the anatomical chart
company, and all of the above hardware is inside of it. The skull
has LEDs in the eyes, which can be turned on or off via a pushbutton
on the skull. A servo opens and closes the jaw. The skull is TCP/IP
web enabled via the Redi, which serves webpages that all text to be
entered- once text is entered via the webpage, the skull eyes turn
on, the jaw opens, and the Emic speaks the text. The skull also has
a sensor in it that can tell when it has been turned over, and the
skull will request that it be set up-right.
My first project was not that difficult to complete, due to the
wonderful documentation and support from the stamp/parallax community.
I look forward to using Stamps more in the future.
first experience with Parallax products I can say that I am very
impressed with the customer support from Parallax, as well as their
timely manner in shipping orders from their website.
My first project uses a BS2p, the Red-i webserver, and the Emic text-
to-speech module. I bought a plastic skull from the anatomical chart
company, and all of the above hardware is inside of it. The skull
has LEDs in the eyes, which can be turned on or off via a pushbutton
on the skull. A servo opens and closes the jaw. The skull is TCP/IP
web enabled via the Redi, which serves webpages that all text to be
entered- once text is entered via the webpage, the skull eyes turn
on, the jaw opens, and the Emic speaks the text. The skull also has
a sensor in it that can tell when it has been turned over, and the
skull will request that it be set up-right.
My first project was not that difficult to complete, due to the
wonderful documentation and support from the stamp/parallax community.
I look forward to using Stamps more in the future.
maybe experiment with ourselves.. mind posting some pics, files, etc
in the files section for us.
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "LostboY" <hangook21@y...> wrote:
> Hello- I have just finished my first basic stamp project. In my
> first experience with Parallax products I can say that I am very
> impressed with the customer support from Parallax, as well as their
> timely manner in shipping orders from their website.
> My first project uses a BS2p, the Red-i webserver, and the Emic
> to-speech module. I bought a plastic skull from the anatomical
> company, and all of the above hardware is inside of it. The skull
> has LEDs in the eyes, which can be turned on or off via a
> on the skull. A servo opens and closes the jaw. The skull is
> web enabled via the Redi, which serves webpages that all text to be
> entered- once text is entered via the webpage, the skull eyes turn
> on, the jaw opens, and the Emic speaks the text. The skull also
> a sensor in it that can tell when it has been turned over, and the
> skull will request that it be set up-right.
> My first project was not that difficult to complete, due to the
> wonderful documentation and support from the stamp/parallax
> I look forward to using Stamps more in the future.
> Ryan
> I have a feeling this is a project many of us would like to see and
> maybe experiment with ourselves.. mind posting some pics, files,
> in the files section for us.
> Thanks
No problem, I'm putting together a website detailing construction.
Should be up some time this week.
I'm afraid my Pbasic code isn't very clean though [noparse];)[/noparse] But it works.
(It *is* my first use of PBASIC)-
Style" that can help you will cleaning-up you code.
Jon Williams
Original Message
From: LostboY [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=WEMEmvzTwLYwTX6WIm3sEkefVBa65qSDWCdxl0t2s4uoF4TghByKiQHi3Xjeqnlnzh5UQ0OtZLlYIwvqHRw]hangook21@y...[/url
Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 2:12 PM
To: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: Kudos for Parallax.
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "tsrmale29" <tommyreaves@m...>
> I have a feeling this is a project many of us would like to see and
> maybe experiment with ourselves.. mind posting some pics, files,
> in the files section for us.
> Thanks
No problem, I'm putting together a website detailing construction.
Should be up some time this week.
I'm afraid my Pbasic code isn't very clean though [noparse];)[/noparse] But it works.
(It *is* my first use of PBASIC)-
would love to see pictures of your project if you are so inclined.
> [noparse][[/noparse]Original Message]
> From: LostboY <hangook21@y...>
> To: <basicstamps@yahoogroups.com>
> Date: 7/5/2004 2:13:19 AM
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Kudos for Parallax.
> Hello- I have just finished my first basic stamp project. In my
> first experience with Parallax products I can say that I am very
> impressed with the customer support from Parallax, as well as their
> timely manner in shipping orders from their website.
> My first project uses a BS2p, the Red-i webserver, and the Emic text-
> to-speech module. I bought a plastic skull from the anatomical chart
> company, and all of the above hardware is inside of it. The skull
> has LEDs in the eyes, which can be turned on or off via a pushbutton
> on the skull. A servo opens and closes the jaw. The skull is TCP/IP
> web enabled via the Redi, which serves webpages that all text to be
> entered- once text is entered via the webpage, the skull eyes turn
> on, the jaw opens, and the Emic speaks the text. The skull also has
> a sensor in it that can tell when it has been turned over, and the
> skull will request that it be set up-right.
> My first project was not that difficult to complete, due to the
> wonderful documentation and support from the stamp/parallax community.
> I look forward to using Stamps more in the future.
> Ryan