Syntax help? SPSTR
At 08:17 AM 7/3/04 +0000, LostboY wrote:
>I know you are probably sick of hearing about this SPSTR issue, but
>can you tell me what is wrong with this line:
>SERIN 7, 84, 60, Hard_Reset, [noparse][[/noparse]SPSTR 64]
>Where the timeout is 60 ms, Hard_Reset is where it branches if there
>is a timeout, and [noparse][[/noparse]SPSTR 64] should look to get 64 bytes that are
>placed into scratch pad, starting at location 0.
>I have the correct directive: '{$STAMP BS2e}
>I am using the Basic stamp editor version 2.1 beta 1. When I check
>the syntax of the above, it highlights the SPSTR and says that it
>expects a variable.
Ryan -
For better or worse, I can verify that the same error occurs on the PBASIC Version 2.0 compiler both with your program example, and those recently supplied by Jon Williams in this same thread. I suspect you can temporarily circumvent the problem by using a Stamp Directive which look like this:
'{$STAMP BS2pe}
I realize this isn't representative of the Stamp Model that you are presently using, but I suspect it will work without any untoward effects.
Bruce Bates
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>I know you are probably sick of hearing about this SPSTR issue, but
>can you tell me what is wrong with this line:
>SERIN 7, 84, 60, Hard_Reset, [noparse][[/noparse]SPSTR 64]
>Where the timeout is 60 ms, Hard_Reset is where it branches if there
>is a timeout, and [noparse][[/noparse]SPSTR 64] should look to get 64 bytes that are
>placed into scratch pad, starting at location 0.
>I have the correct directive: '{$STAMP BS2e}
>I am using the Basic stamp editor version 2.1 beta 1. When I check
>the syntax of the above, it highlights the SPSTR and says that it
>expects a variable.
Ryan -
For better or worse, I can verify that the same error occurs on the PBASIC Version 2.0 compiler both with your program example, and those recently supplied by Jon Williams in this same thread. I suspect you can temporarily circumvent the problem by using a Stamp Directive which look like this:
'{$STAMP BS2pe}
I realize this isn't representative of the Stamp Model that you are presently using, but I suspect it will work without any untoward effects.
Bruce Bates
>To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
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-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: LostboY [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]hangook21@y...[/url
Sent: Saturday, July 03, 2004 3:17 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Syntax help? SPSTR
I know you are probably sick of hearing about this SPSTR issue, but
can you tell me what is wrong with this line:
SERIN 7, 84, 60, Hard_Reset, [noparse][[/noparse]SPSTR 64]
Where the timeout is 60 ms, Hard_Reset is where it branches if there
is a timeout, and [noparse][[/noparse]SPSTR 64] should look to get 64 bytes that are
placed into scratch pad, starting at location 0.
I have the correct directive: '{$STAMP BS2e}
I am using the Basic stamp editor version 2.1 beta 1. When I check
the syntax of the above, it highlights the SPSTR and says that it
expects a variable.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject
and Body of the message will be ignored.
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> [noparse][[/noparse]Original Message]
> I know you are probably sick of hearing about this SPSTR issue, but
> can you tell me what is wrong with this line:
> SERIN 7, 84, 60, Hard_Reset, [noparse][[/noparse]SPSTR 64]
> Where the timeout is 60 ms, Hard_Reset is where it branches if there
> is a timeout, and [noparse][[/noparse]SPSTR 64] should look to get 64 bytes that are
> placed into scratch pad, starting at location 0.
> I have the correct directive: '{$STAMP BS2e}
> I am using the Basic stamp editor version 2.1 beta 1. When I check
> the syntax of the above, it highlights the SPSTR and says that it
> expects a variable.
> Help?
> Thanks,
> Ryan