SPSTR question
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "Jon Williams" <jwilliams@p...>
> SPSTR was unintentionally omitted from the manual. As I frequently
> recommend, use the Help file as it is easier to distribute so it
> contains the latest information.
> Yes, SPSTR always starts writing at location 0, and its only
> is number of bytes; it does not look for a terminating character.
> -- Jon Williams
Sorry to beat a dead horse, but the only documentation I can find on
this command is in the BS2pCommands.pdf file from the Parallax
website. I can't find it anywhere else, and the references to it in
this file are limited. I also had just downloaded (what I thought)
was the most recent HELP file (that comes with the PBASIC stamp
editor, and it makes no reference to SPSTR). Are the files on the
Parallax website the most recent ones?
If I use
serin RxD, baud, [noparse][[/noparse]wait("ABC"), spstr N]
where 'N' is say, 16, how will the command deal with a string that is
only 10 characters? (i.e. will it pad the remaining spaces?) I am
not sure what the string lengths will be that I am getting with the
BTW, I would just test this myself, but my BS2p isn't here yet.
Thanks once again,
> SPSTR was unintentionally omitted from the manual. As I frequently
> recommend, use the Help file as it is easier to distribute so it
> contains the latest information.
> Yes, SPSTR always starts writing at location 0, and its only
> is number of bytes; it does not look for a terminating character.
> -- Jon Williams
Sorry to beat a dead horse, but the only documentation I can find on
this command is in the BS2pCommands.pdf file from the Parallax
website. I can't find it anywhere else, and the references to it in
this file are limited. I also had just downloaded (what I thought)
was the most recent HELP file (that comes with the PBASIC stamp
editor, and it makes no reference to SPSTR). Are the files on the
Parallax website the most recent ones?
If I use
serin RxD, baud, [noparse][[/noparse]wait("ABC"), spstr N]
where 'N' is say, 16, how will the command deal with a string that is
only 10 characters? (i.e. will it pad the remaining spaces?) I am
not sure what the string lengths will be that I am getting with the
BTW, I would just test this myself, but my BS2p isn't here yet.
Thanks once again,
modifier. It redirects the serial input (specifed by the L parameter in
bytes) to the Scratchpad, starting at location 0. You cannot force
SPSTR to start writing at a different location.
You must be careful when using SPSTR to specify the number of bytes you
expect or something less. If you specify 16 bytes and only 10 come in,
it will wait for six more. Like all tools, it may not be perfect for
your requirement.
BTW, the Help file has a search function. If you enter SPSTR into the
search field you'll see that it shows up in five topics (all serial
input functions). If you have the Version 2.1 Beta 1 editor, you have
the latest help file (and editor and help file update will be available
next week).
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: LostboY [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=St8QGkgGNbQC7M6Ff-A0h53uvt5w94bijepuJd7mnitntyM9nMq6yPUwroR1My8VLO2CdMHigMeyRnkl]hangook21@y...[/url
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 8:47 AM
To: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] SPSTR question
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "Jon Williams" <jwilliams@p...>
> SPSTR was unintentionally omitted from the manual. As I frequently
> recommend, use the Help file as it is easier to distribute so it
> contains the latest information.
> Yes, SPSTR always starts writing at location 0, and its only
> is number of bytes; it does not look for a terminating character.
> -- Jon Williams
Sorry to beat a dead horse, but the only documentation I can find on
this command is in the BS2pCommands.pdf file from the Parallax
website. I can't find it anywhere else, and the references to it in
this file are limited. I also had just downloaded (what I thought)
was the most recent HELP file (that comes with the PBASIC stamp
editor, and it makes no reference to SPSTR). Are the files on the
Parallax website the most recent ones?
If I use
serin RxD, baud, [noparse][[/noparse]wait("ABC"), spstr N]
where 'N' is say, 16, how will the command deal with a string that is
only 10 characters? (i.e. will it pad the remaining spaces?) I am
not sure what the string lengths will be that I am getting with the
BTW, I would just test this myself, but my BS2p isn't here yet.
Thanks once again,
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This message has been scanned by WebShield. Please report SPAM to
> Let me clarify ... SPSTR is NOT a command, it is a serial input
> modifier. It redirects the serial input (specifed by the L
parameter in
> bytes) to the Scratchpad, starting at location 0. You cannot force
> SPSTR to start writing at a different location.
> You must be careful when using SPSTR to specify the number of bytes
> expect or something less. If you specify 16 bytes and only 10 come
> it will wait for six more. Like all tools, it may not be perfect
> your requirement.
Let me say I am amazed at how quickly I get answers to questions
here. This is my first project using STAMPS, and the support is
amazing. Thanks.
Now, since this is my first project ever with STAMPS, forgive me for
asking such basic questions, but I'm learning as I go...
You are correct this probably isn't the best tool for my
requirement. My problem is that I don't know what the best tool for
my requirement is because I'm new to these tools. So let me rephrase
my question by explaining what I am trying to do and see if any of
you can point me (null pointer? [noparse];)[/noparse] in the right direction.
I have a BS2 that is on a BOE, with the Red-i webserver attached to
the appmod header. I also have the Emic text-to-speech module
connected. What I am attempting to do (and seem very close to doing)
is to have a webpage where I can input a sentence which in turn is
read in by the BS2, and then sent to the EMIC. The end result being
a webpage where I can type text that is then spoken by the Emic.
I have all the code written and working- however I am using an array
for my text string on the BS2, and after all the code I am limited to
about 16 bytes (that is all the RAM space I have left. I am trying
to find a way to get the text from the Red-i into either EEPROM (on a
BS2) or scratch pad ram (BS2p)- so that I can hold a string of max
length 64 bytes. I use a SERIN (on the STAMP) to get the text from
the RED-i- *SO* is there a clean/nice way to get what I'm reading
from the serin into either EEPROM space or Scratch Pad? I would use
the SPSTR serial input stream modifier, but I don't know how long the
string will be each time.
Any suggestions?
(How is that for a first project?!? [noparse];)[/noparse]
Timeout capability to break free in the event of fewer characters
arriving than you specified for SPSTR. Here's a little snipped to code
that I just ran to confirm this (serial input is via DEBUG window):
idx VAR Byte
char VAR Byte
DEBUG CLS, "Enter (4-character) passcode: "
SERIN 16, $40F0, 10000, No_Code, [noparse][[/noparse]SPSTR 4]
DEBUG CLS, "Checking: "
FOR idx = 0 TO 3
GET idx, char
DEBUG char
DEBUG CLS, "Entry error."
PAUSE 2000
GOTO Reset
Just make sure your timeout parameter gives your data plenty of time to
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: Jon Williams
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 9:25 AM
To: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] SPSTR question
Let me clarify ... SPSTR is NOT a command, it is a serial input stream
modifier. It redirects the serial input (specifed by the L parameter in
bytes) to the Scratchpad, starting at location 0. You cannot force
SPSTR to start writing at a different location.
You must be careful when using SPSTR to specify the number of bytes you
expect or something less. If you specify 16 bytes and only 10 come in,
it will wait for six more. Like all tools, it may not be perfect for
your requirement.
BTW, the Help file has a search function. If you enter SPSTR into the
search field you'll see that it shows up in five topics (all serial
input functions). If you have the Version 2.1 Beta 1 editor, you have
the latest help file (and editor and help file update will be available
next week).
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: LostboY [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=bOBvMTqNL5LlZzQ2BlKqu-Vl-DkZvjBOq9tsK6qRfTcfsi_4fJc4Ey_6uJKE1cxIrbVntOfxlSmg]hangook21@y...[/url
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 8:47 AM
To: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] SPSTR question
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "Jon Williams" <jwilliams@p...>
> SPSTR was unintentionally omitted from the manual. As I frequently
> recommend, use the Help file as it is easier to distribute so it
> contains the latest information.
> Yes, SPSTR always starts writing at location 0, and its only
> is number of bytes; it does not look for a terminating character.
> -- Jon Williams
Sorry to beat a dead horse, but the only documentation I can find on
this command is in the BS2pCommands.pdf file from the Parallax
website. I can't find it anywhere else, and the references to it in
this file are limited. I also had just downloaded (what I thought)
was the most recent HELP file (that comes with the PBASIC stamp
editor, and it makes no reference to SPSTR). Are the files on the
Parallax website the most recent ones?
If I use
serin RxD, baud, [noparse][[/noparse]wait("ABC"), spstr N]
where 'N' is say, 16, how will the command deal with a string that is
only 10 characters? (i.e. will it pad the remaining spaces?) I am
not sure what the string lengths will be that I am getting with the
BTW, I would just test this myself, but my BS2p isn't here yet.
Thanks once again,
works. I can't comment on the rest of your project as I've not used the
Red-I web server myself (I have no interest in connecting
microcontrollers to the Internet).
You can use the timeout parameter with SERIN so that your SPSTR input
doesn't hang. I just posted a simple demo that proves this.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: LostboY [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=GWdtR31BqfbEhBj7XrcachyjcuZOaE6pBBg4hETGS6J3A_FolflFAHpOclzen2V_yzh8H77CjXm5MOSoCQ]hangook21@y...[/url
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 9:47 AM
To: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: SPSTR question
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "Jon Williams" <jwilliams@p...>
> Let me clarify ... SPSTR is NOT a command, it is a serial input
> modifier. It redirects the serial input (specifed by the L
parameter in
> bytes) to the Scratchpad, starting at location 0. You cannot force
> SPSTR to start writing at a different location.
> You must be careful when using SPSTR to specify the number of bytes
> expect or something less. If you specify 16 bytes and only 10 come
> it will wait for six more. Like all tools, it may not be perfect
> your requirement.
Let me say I am amazed at how quickly I get answers to questions
here. This is my first project using STAMPS, and the support is
amazing. Thanks.
Now, since this is my first project ever with STAMPS, forgive me for
asking such basic questions, but I'm learning as I go...
You are correct this probably isn't the best tool for my
requirement. My problem is that I don't know what the best tool for
my requirement is because I'm new to these tools. So let me rephrase
my question by explaining what I am trying to do and see if any of
you can point me (null pointer? [noparse];)[/noparse] in the right direction.
I have a BS2 that is on a BOE, with the Red-i webserver attached to
the appmod header. I also have the Emic text-to-speech module
connected. What I am attempting to do (and seem very close to doing)
is to have a webpage where I can input a sentence which in turn is
read in by the BS2, and then sent to the EMIC. The end result being
a webpage where I can type text that is then spoken by the Emic.
I have all the code written and working- however I am using an array
for my text string on the BS2, and after all the code I am limited to
about 16 bytes (that is all the RAM space I have left. I am trying
to find a way to get the text from the Red-i into either EEPROM (on a
BS2) or scratch pad ram (BS2p)- so that I can hold a string of max
length 64 bytes. I use a SERIN (on the STAMP) to get the text from
the RED-i- *SO* is there a clean/nice way to get what I'm reading
from the serin into either EEPROM space or Scratch Pad? I would use
the SPSTR serial input stream modifier, but I don't know how long the
string will be each time.
Any suggestions?
(How is that for a first project?!? [noparse];)[/noparse]
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If the data does not come in too fast, as for example from a user
typing, the Stamp can capture the string of unknown length in program
loop, one character at a time.
SERIN 0,sbaud,[noparse][[/noparse]char]
PUT idx,char
That sort of thing can be expanded to allow for all sorts of
character filtering, backspace handling, timeouts, alternate
termination characters etc. It is all a matter of having enough time
between chars to do the processing. Sometimes you can set an
inter-character pacing delay on the other side.
-- Tracy
>--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "Jon Williams" <jwilliams@p...>
>> Let me clarify ... SPSTR is NOT a command, it is a serial input
>> modifier. It redirects the serial input (specifed by the L
>parameter in
>> bytes) to the Scratchpad, starting at location 0. You cannot force
>> SPSTR to start writing at a different location.
>> You must be careful when using SPSTR to specify the number of bytes
>> expect or something less. If you specify 16 bytes and only 10 come
>> it will wait for six more. Like all tools, it may not be perfect
>> your requirement.
>Let me say I am amazed at how quickly I get answers to questions
>here. This is my first project using STAMPS, and the support is
>amazing. Thanks.
>Now, since this is my first project ever with STAMPS, forgive me for
>asking such basic questions, but I'm learning as I go...
>You are correct this probably isn't the best tool for my
>requirement. My problem is that I don't know what the best tool for
>my requirement is because I'm new to these tools. So let me rephrase
>my question by explaining what I am trying to do and see if any of
>you can point me (null pointer? [noparse];)[/noparse] in the right direction.
>I have a BS2 that is on a BOE, with the Red-i webserver attached to
>the appmod header. I also have the Emic text-to-speech module
>connected. What I am attempting to do (and seem very close to doing)
>is to have a webpage where I can input a sentence which in turn is
>read in by the BS2, and then sent to the EMIC. The end result being
>a webpage where I can type text that is then spoken by the Emic.
>I have all the code written and working- however I am using an array
>for my text string on the BS2, and after all the code I am limited to
>about 16 bytes (that is all the RAM space I have left. I am trying
>to find a way to get the text from the Red-i into either EEPROM (on a
>BS2) or scratch pad ram (BS2p)- so that I can hold a string of max
>length 64 bytes. I use a SERIN (on the STAMP) to get the text from
>the RED-i- *SO* is there a clean/nice way to get what I'm reading
>from the serin into either EEPROM space or Scratch Pad? I would use
>the SPSTR serial input stream modifier, but I don't know how long the
>string will be each time.
>Any suggestions?
>(How is that for a first project?!? [noparse];)[/noparse]
> Hi Ryan,
> If the data does not come in too fast, as for example from a user
> typing, the Stamp can capture the string of unknown length in
> loop, one character at a time.
> DO
> SERIN 0,sbaud,[noparse][[/noparse]char]
> PUT idx,char
> idx=idx+1
> That sort of thing can be expanded to allow for all sorts of
> character filtering, backspace handling, timeouts, alternate
> termination characters etc. It is all a matter of having enough
> between chars to do the processing. Sometimes you can set an
> inter-character pacing delay on the other side.
> -- Tracy
Actually, I can get the string into the Red-i, and it will be fed to
the stamp directly from the memory of the Red-i- Could I mess with
the baud to slow down the communication to give the Stamp time to
deal with a stream that is continually arriving?
I have been thinking about how to get the chars one at a time for
this very reason, but I don't have any control over how the Red-i
sends the information (I don't think).
The stamp sends a SEROUT command that basically says 'feed me that
particular variable', and then the stamp needs a SERIN to read in
what the Red-i sends.