using 7 bit printer-Jon
Jon, thanks for replying,
you said:" The Help file shows how to set the baudmode parameter -- Bit13 of that value is what causes the baudmode to be 7-bit, even parity."
Where is that Help file? I couldn't find it.
Thanks , Basil
original message:
Hi team, How can I modify the data flow sent from the BS2 to be
printed on a 7 bit (even parity) printer? what I get now is a bunch
of ??%75%???#gjh??. How do I change the Baudmode on the BS2 SEROUT to send the proper string? What is the line code for that?
Hi Tom !!
regards to all
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you said:" The Help file shows how to set the baudmode parameter -- Bit13 of that value is what causes the baudmode to be 7-bit, even parity."
Where is that Help file? I couldn't find it.
Thanks , Basil
original message:
Hi team, How can I modify the data flow sent from the BS2 to be
printed on a 7 bit (even parity) printer? what I get now is a bunch
of ??%75%???#gjh??. How do I change the Baudmode on the BS2 SEROUT to send the proper string? What is the line code for that?
Hi Tom !!
regards to all
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from the Help menu or from a button (looks like a book) on the tool bar.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: basil makhoul [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]basilmelbourne@y...[/url
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 12:14 AM
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] using 7 bit printer-Jon
Jon, thanks for replying,
you said:" The Help file shows how to set the baudmode parameter --
Bit13 of that value is what causes the baudmode to be 7-bit, even
Where is that Help file? I couldn't find it.
Thanks , Basil
original message:
Hi team, How can I modify the data flow sent from the BS2 to be
printed on a 7 bit (even parity) printer? what I get now is a bunch
of ??%75%???#gjh??. How do I change the Baudmode on the BS2 SEROUT to
send the proper string? What is the line code for that?
Hi Tom !!
regards to all
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