What''s a microcontroller ?
In a message dated 6/21/2004 10:10:21 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
mrripple@s... writes:
> The first problem on page 132 below the word Projects. number one. Can'
> figure out how to stop the terminal from accepting data when P3 is pressed.
You want to modify the program so that it stops accepyting commands.
P3 = in3
p4 = in4
if P3 is pushed then in3 = 1
if P4 is pushed then in4 = 1
You will need a new label at the start of the program:
if ...........? then.............?
Is tht enough help or do you need more?
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
mrripple@s... writes:
> The first problem on page 132 below the word Projects. number one. Can'
> figure out how to stop the terminal from accepting data when P3 is pressed.
You want to modify the program so that it stops accepyting commands.
P3 = in3
p4 = in4
if P3 is pushed then in3 = 1
if P4 is pushed then in4 = 1
You will need a new label at the start of the program:
if ...........? then.............?
Is tht enough help or do you need more?
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]