What''s a microcontroller ?
I am working on page 132 and Projects number 1. I cannot figure out
how to get the terminal how not to display input. After i have
pressed P3. When i press P3 the data is sent to the terminal and
after that point as long as i hold down the P3 button. i have the
semi- proper results. I have most of the program working the way
they want in the question. Any idea's ?? How about a hint. Read the
book over a few times to see if there is a clue....but i can't find
how to get the terminal how not to display input. After i have
pressed P3. When i press P3 the data is sent to the terminal and
after that point as long as i hold down the P3 button. i have the
semi- proper results. I have most of the program working the way
they want in the question. Any idea's ?? How about a hint. Read the
book over a few times to see if there is a clue....but i can't find