Code conversion
Hi There,
I would like to convert basicx code (BX-24 stamp) to pbasic. Anyone
have done this before? Is a syntax conversion document or program
(filter) available?
I would like to convert basicx code (BX-24 stamp) to pbasic. Anyone
have done this before? Is a syntax conversion document or program
(filter) available?
BasicX uses a Visual-Basic like syntax. You have
local variables, subroutine parameters. You have
multi-tasking constructs. BasicX runs on a
Atmel processor, with several hundred bytes of
In PBasic, you only have 26 words of ram.
No local variables. Parameter passing must
be done by defining your own 'temp' globals,
and then using them properly in subroutines.
2K of program memory space.
For some programs, it can be done. I don't
think there is a large market for it, though.
Doing it by hand is probably your best bet.
--- In, "David" <David.Shani@s...> wrote:
> Hi There,
> I would like to convert basicx code (BX-24 stamp) to pbasic. Anyone
> have done this before? Is a syntax conversion document or program
> (filter) available?
> Thanks,