BS1 PCI (pin 4) pin to power LED
When a BS1 is hooked up to a pc's parallel port, which pin of the
stamp are debug statements transmitted through? PC-in I assume (pin
4 on the BS1). So if I hooked an LED (and resistor in series to
ground) up to the BS1's PC-in pin, wouldn't the LED light up, and
stay lighted if coded an infinite loop of debug statements? I guess
I would do 'debug 255', since that would send a string of all 1's,
right? Thanks
stamp are debug statements transmitted through? PC-in I assume (pin
4 on the BS1). So if I hooked an LED (and resistor in series to
ground) up to the BS1's PC-in pin, wouldn't the LED light up, and
stay lighted if coded an infinite loop of debug statements? I guess
I would do 'debug 255', since that would send a string of all 1's,
right? Thanks
DEBUG statement is more complicated than you imagine; it actually
transmits a very large packet (about 80 bytes) that provides module
status and other information.
Again, the programming pins on the BS1 are not to be used for anything
but programming, and you risk damaging your BASIC Stamp or computer by
creating a problem connection.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: Sam [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]hard-on@t...[/url
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:36 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] BS1 PCI (pin 4) pin to power LED
When a BS1 is hooked up to a pc's parallel port, which pin of the
stamp are debug statements transmitted through? PC-in I assume (pin
4 on the BS1). So if I hooked an LED (and resistor in series to
ground) up to the BS1's PC-in pin, wouldn't the LED light up, and
stay lighted if coded an infinite loop of debug statements? I guess
I would do 'debug 255', since that would send a string of all 1's,
right? Thanks
>stamp are debug statements transmitted through? PC-in I assume (pin
>4 on the BS1). So if I hooked an LED (and resistor in series to
>ground) up to the BS1's PC-in pin, wouldn't the LED light up, and
>stay lighted if coded an infinite loop of debug statements? I guess
>I would do 'debug 255', since that would send a string of all 1's,
>right? Thanks
Clever idea! I think that the output from the BS1 to the PC is
actually pin 3, labeled "PCO". That connects to the "busy" input on
the standard PC parallel port.
I see that Jon has recommended strongly against messing with the
programming pins, and caution is certainly in order. Some stones are
best left unturned, but some of us can't help it! Check your idea
with a voltmeter or 'scope first. If it looks like it might work,
then buffer the output with a transistor or something like that just
to be safe.
-- Tracy