How many Serial In and Outs can you have on one Chip ?
New to basic Stamp
How many serial In's and Out's can you use on the same chip ?
I would like to run a touch screen and another serial device from
once stamp
Is this posible ?
If you have and answer please emial me at
New to basic Stamp
How many serial In's and Out's can you use on the same chip ?
I would like to run a touch screen and another serial device from
once stamp
Is this posible ?
If you have and answer please emial me at
>New to basic Stamp
>How many serial In's and Out's can you use on the same chip ?
A maximum of 17 using all 16 I/O ports plus the debug port.
>I would like to run a touch screen and another serial device from
>once stamp
>Is this posible ?
In general, yes, but it more depends on the timing requirement of these devices.
Only one I/O port can be active during any one instruction cycle. There is no overlapping of I/O. That may or may not matter depending on your specific devices.
>If you have and answer please emial me at
Answers are posted to this forum so that all can benefit from the questions and answers.
Bruce Bates
16 I/O pins, plus one additional one on its
programming port.
You MUST be notified, however, that the BS2 is
a single tasking beast. Thus, when it is
talking on one pin, it can't simultaneously
recieve on another pin.
You CAN put in place some sampling, or time-out,
to 'pay-attention' to several ports in a round-robin
fashion, though.
--- In, "Mark" <mark30504@y...> wrote:
> Hello
> New to basic Stamp
> How many serial In's and Out's can you use on the same chip ?
> I would like to run a touch screen and another serial device from
> once stamp
> Is this posible ?
> If you have and answer please emial me at
> mark30504@y...
need to implement flow-control with some devices. Any pin can be a
serial connection.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: Mark [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]mark30504@y...[/url
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 6:31 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] How many Serial In and Outs can you have on one
Chip ?
New to basic Stamp
How many serial In's and Out's can you use on the same chip ?
I would like to run a touch screen and another serial device from
once stamp
Is this posible ?
If you have and answer please emial me at
> Hello
> New to basic Stamp
> How many serial In's and Out's can you use on the same chip ?
> I would like to run a touch screen and another serial device from
> once stamp
> Is this posible ?
> If you have and answer please emial me at
> mark30504@y...
Hi Mark,
The BS2 is a 24 pin device and offers 16 pins for user interface as
regards control.
That is the limit for the product called a "BasicStamp 2" or BS2
There is a 40 pin big-brother and a BS1 with less.
That said, you can use serial devices to expand that dramatically.
A single chip to drive LED's, this is a Maxim part, can drive 64
individual relays.
The a 74hc165 can be used and expands the input by unts of 8. That
is to say, by connecting one 74HC165, you can use 4 pins and get 8
inputs. add a second, you still use the 4 pins but get another 8.
you can easily string 4 of these for 32 inputs on those 4 pins.
there is a output part, the 74HC595 that will do that on outputs. so
by using those same 4 pins, you can add groups of 8 ouputs.
To be technically correct, the answer is 16
but functionally, those can be expanded pretty far and wide.
> At 11:31 AM 6/15/04 +0000, Mark wrote:
> >Hello
> >
> >New to basic Stamp
> >
> >How many serial In's and Out's can you use on the same chip ?
> A maximum of 17 using all 16 I/O ports plus the debug port.
well, you can use the serial ports connected to a PC, no ?
the PC -- it is also known as the 'debug port'.
Note everything the PC sends on this port is
echo'ed back to the PC -- if that matters to you.
--- In, "Dave Mucha" <davemucha@j...>
> --- In, Bruce Bates <bvbates@u...>
> > At 11:31 AM 6/15/04 +0000, Mark wrote:
> > >Hello
> > >
> > >New to basic Stamp
> > >
> > >How many serial In's and Out's can you use on the same chip ?
> >
> > A maximum of 17 using all 16 I/O ports plus the debug port.
> well, you can use the serial ports connected to a PC, no ?