Only relay I have found to safely trip with stamp is
tiny magnetic reed relay. You can find them at
radioshacks still, make sure you get 5volt version and
not 12 volt.
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--- In, Matthew K <m_klarich@y...> wrote:
> Only relay I have found to safely trip with stamp is
> tiny magnetic reed relay. You can find them at
> radioshacks still, make sure you get 5volt version and
> not 12 volt.
> __________________________________
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What if I drive the relay with an inverter or buffer? Will it work
You may drive a more powerful relay with a transistor. Just make the stamp drive the transistor, which you wire to drive the relay.
billdoser2003 <billdoser2003@y...> wrote:--- In, Matthew K wrote:
> Only relay I have found to safely trip with stamp is
> tiny magnetic reed relay. You can find them at
> radioshacks still, make sure you get 5volt version and
> not 12 volt.
> __________________________________
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> Friends. Fun. Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger.
What if I drive the relay with an inverter or buffer? Will it work
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Depends on the current required by the coil. It's not likely that
you're going to find one you can connect directly -- use a transistor or
other suitable driver to be safe.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
> Depends on the current required by the coil. It's not likely that
> you're going to find one you can connect directly -- use a transistor or
> other suitable driver to be safe.
> Can it do it safely without pulling to much power?
The BS2SX stamp can source or sink 25 ma. There are some 5 volt reed
relays that meet that requirement. I used a Tyco Electronics
OMR-106H, V000 SPST-NO reed relay with a nominal coil current of 24 ma
in my last project and it's been working fine. Remember to put a
diode across the coil to protect the stamp from the voltage transient
when the relay is turned off.
just use the pin to drive a 2N2222 transistor or for more power a
darlington to drive the relay....
--- In, Matthew K <m_klarich@y...> wrote:
> Only relay I have found to safely trip with stamp is
> tiny magnetic reed relay. You can find them at
> radioshacks still, make sure you get 5volt version and
> not 12 volt.
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Friends. Fun. Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger.
tiny magnetic reed relay. You can find them at
radioshacks still, make sure you get 5volt version and
not 12 volt.
Do you Yahoo!?
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> Only relay I have found to safely trip with stamp is
> tiny magnetic reed relay. You can find them at
> radioshacks still, make sure you get 5volt version and
> not 12 volt.
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Friends. Fun. Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger.
What if I drive the relay with an inverter or buffer? Will it work
billdoser2003 <billdoser2003@y...> wrote:--- In, Matthew K wrote:
> Only relay I have found to safely trip with stamp is
> tiny magnetic reed relay. You can find them at
> radioshacks still, make sure you get 5volt version and
> not 12 volt.
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Friends. Fun. Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger.
What if I drive the relay with an inverter or buffer? Will it work
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[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
you're going to find one you can connect directly -- use a transistor or
other suitable driver to be safe.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: billdoser2003 [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]billdoser2003@y...[/url
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 8:33 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Can a stamp power a 5v relay?
Can it do it safely without pulling to much power?
> you're going to find one you can connect directly -- use a transistor or
> other suitable driver to be safe.
> Can it do it safely without pulling to much power?
The BS2SX stamp can source or sink 25 ma. There are some 5 volt reed
relays that meet that requirement. I used a Tyco Electronics
OMR-106H, V000 SPST-NO reed relay with a nominal coil current of 24 ma
in my last project and it's been working fine. Remember to put a
diode across the coil to protect the stamp from the voltage transient
when the relay is turned off.
darlington to drive the relay....
--- In, Matthew K <m_klarich@y...> wrote:
> Only relay I have found to safely trip with stamp is
> tiny magnetic reed relay. You can find them at
> radioshacks still, make sure you get 5volt version and
> not 12 volt.
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Friends. Fun. Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger.