Best Microcontroller for this project
Hey guys and gals,...need assistance! I am wanting to simulate for
my review board what happens to one of the wheels on a car in
a "lock down situation". What goes on here is that say someone is
trying to decelerate to come to a stop, of the wheels slows
down faster than the other three. There is a signal sent to the ECU
(electronic control unit) that this situation is about to occur-the
ECU then activates hydraulic system to have braking fluid applied to
that particular wheel to loosen it up and hopefully begin to slow
down at the same rates as the other three. Do you think I need a
servo controller for this? Could I use a BASIC stamp mic to govern
all 4 wheels? How involved do you think the programming would be for
this? Please HELP!!!!
Novice BASIC Micromaniac!
my review board what happens to one of the wheels on a car in
a "lock down situation". What goes on here is that say someone is
trying to decelerate to come to a stop, of the wheels slows
down faster than the other three. There is a signal sent to the ECU
(electronic control unit) that this situation is about to occur-the
ECU then activates hydraulic system to have braking fluid applied to
that particular wheel to loosen it up and hopefully begin to slow
down at the same rates as the other three. Do you think I need a
servo controller for this? Could I use a BASIC stamp mic to govern
all 4 wheels? How involved do you think the programming would be for
this? Please HELP!!!!
Novice BASIC Micromaniac!
wheels at once and decide which is going slower (impending lockup).
However, it can be done with a stamp with careful selection of wheel speed,
pulses per wheel rotation. It might require the BS2sx.
If you are a novice at micros....the Basic stamp is probably the easiest one
in the world to program considering what can be done with it.
My 2 cents.
Hey guys and gals,...need assistance! I am wanting to simulate for
my review board what happens to one of the wheels on a car in
a "lock down situation". What goes on here is that say someone is
trying to decelerate to come to a stop, of the wheels slows
down faster than the other three. There is a signal sent to the ECU
(electronic control unit) that this situation is about to occur-the
ECU then activates hydraulic system to have braking fluid applied to
that particular wheel to loosen it up and hopefully begin to slow
down at the same rates as the other three. Do you think I need a
servo controller for this? Could I use a BASIC stamp mic to govern
all 4 wheels? How involved do you think the programming would be for
this? Please HELP!!!!
Novice BASIC Micromaniac!
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