Basic Stamp Editor for other PIC''s?
> Note also the 'roll-your-own' does assume for
> each item you'll need a PIC, a resonator,
> a voltage regulator, and a MAX232. $5.00 may
> be too low for this -- but it's in the ballpark.
Not necessarily... I recently completed the program for a device that
produces a very accurate varying frequency signal for medical research.
Both the frequency and pulsewidth vary independently in 2 uS increments, and
the signal runs without interruption until it goes to sleep after a specific
number of minutes. No voltage regulator -- it's happy anywhere between 2
and 5 volts, and is powered by coin cells (0.4 mA draw). Total electronic
component cost including the PIC, crystal, and two caps for the crystal is
under $2 -- at qty. 1 pricing.
Sometimes a Stamp is the best solution in a product, and sometimes it's a
PIC, or a Pentium, or something else -- it just depends.
> each item you'll need a PIC, a resonator,
> a voltage regulator, and a MAX232. $5.00 may
> be too low for this -- but it's in the ballpark.
Not necessarily... I recently completed the program for a device that
produces a very accurate varying frequency signal for medical research.
Both the frequency and pulsewidth vary independently in 2 uS increments, and
the signal runs without interruption until it goes to sleep after a specific
number of minutes. No voltage regulator -- it's happy anywhere between 2
and 5 volts, and is powered by coin cells (0.4 mA draw). Total electronic
component cost including the PIC, crystal, and two caps for the crystal is
under $2 -- at qty. 1 pricing.
Sometimes a Stamp is the best solution in a product, and sometimes it's a
PIC, or a Pentium, or something else -- it just depends.