7805 drops to 4,6 volts?
build a 7805 power supply. with normal specs . (input voltage 16 volts, 4
diodes to to make alternate voltage "flat" condensator 4700 microfarads, and
by the 7805 two condensators of 0.1 microfarad) measure with no load is 5.04
volts, but if i make a resistor load of 100 ohms the voltage drop to 4.67
volts. is this normal behaviour??
thanks pieter-jan
Hotmail en Messenger on the move
build a 7805 power supply. with normal specs . (input voltage 16 volts, 4
diodes to to make alternate voltage "flat" condensator 4700 microfarads, and
by the 7805 two condensators of 0.1 microfarad) measure with no load is 5.04
volts, but if i make a resistor load of 100 ohms the voltage drop to 4.67
volts. is this normal behaviour??
thanks pieter-jan
Hotmail en Messenger on the move
This is perfectly normal. Try it with Ohm's law. V= IxR
John Baker
With all due respect, I don't think so. Ohms law does not directly apply
here. As long as the vreg max current or max power, or dropout voltage are all
within range for normal operation, the output should remain at (very close to) 5
5v / 100 ohms yields 50 mA.
You mentioned capacitors. Do you have a cap 0.1uF on the input and the output
of the regulator, very close to the regulator?
Pieter-Jan van Diepen <diepenpj@h...> wrote:
build a 7805 power supply. with normal specs . (input voltage 16 volts, 4
diodes to to make alternate voltage "flat" condensator 4700 microfarads, and
by the 7805 two condensators of 0.1 microfarad) measure with no load is 5.04
volts, but if i make a resistor load of 100 ohms the voltage drop to 4.67
volts. is this normal behaviour??
thanks pieter-jan
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Since you used 4 diodes to rectify it, I'll assume
it's AC. So, you have 'full-wave' rectified DC --
which is DC with ripple on it -- the ripple filtered
by the 4700 uF capacitor. This is good.
2. The input and output caps on a 7805 should be much
larger than 0.1 uF -- more like 22 uF.
Putting 5 volts into 100 ohms is 50 mA. A 7805
TO220 package should happily put out 1.5 amps at
+5 volts, though it will get warm doing it.
The amount of heat depends on the watts being
dissipated in the 7805 (Voltage Drop * Current)
4. Different 7805 packages (transistor type, and
SMT-mount) have different wattage.
I should think ALL of them would happily put out
50 mA without losing regulation.
So NO, what you are seeing is NOT normal, and you
probably need larger input and output capacitors
for the 7805.
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "Pieter-Jan van Diepen"
<diepenpj@h...> wrote:
> hai,
> build a 7805 power supply. with normal specs . (input voltage 16
volts, 4
> diodes to to make alternate voltage "flat" condensator 4700
microfarads, and
> by the 7805 two condensators of 0.1 microfarad) measure with no
load is 5.04
> volts, but if i make a resistor load of 100 ohms the voltage drop
to 4.67
> volts. is this normal behaviour??
> thanks pieter-jan
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> Hotmail en Messenger on the move
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could be the 11 volt drop the 7805 has to produce in heat in addition to
the load. In this case only 50 ma. Is it getting hot to the touch? It
should be ok. The 7805 should handle up to about 35 volts going in with
heat sink.
are you using a 7805 in a TO-220 case (big one) or the 78L05 TO-92 case
(small transistor style) the small one won't produce much power out.
Without digging out the formula, sounds like the 4,700 uF capacitor should
be plenty. It should be placed on the input side of the 7805.
BTW, you "speak" better English than some of the people I know over there.
[noparse]:)[/noparse] Probably just a coincidence but got a good friend Marsel Pieter in germany.
At 01:57 PM 6/6/2004, you wrote:
>build a 7805 power supply. with normal specs . (input voltage 16 volts, 4
>diodes to to make alternate voltage "flat" condensator 4700 microfarads, and
>by the 7805 two condensators of 0.1 microfarad) measure with no load is 5.04
>volts, but if i make a resistor load of 100 ohms the voltage drop to 4.67
>volts. is this normal behaviour??
>thanks pieter-jan
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John Baker
Pieter-Jan van Diepen <diepenpj@h...> wrote:
build a 7805 power supply. with normal specs . (input voltage 16 volts, 4
diodes to to make alternate voltage "flat" condensator 4700 microfarads, and
by the 7805 two condensators of 0.1 microfarad) measure with no load is 5.04
volts, but if i make a resistor load of 100 ohms the voltage drop to 4.67
volts. is this normal behaviour??
thanks pieter-jan
Hotmail en Messenger on the move
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[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
many of the older types require a certain minimum load on them in order
to regulate properly. The load is typically on the order of a few
milliamperes, but once in place, it should be stable across the whole
range of input voltage/output load (assuming it's not getting too hot).
David Erbas-White
smartdim@a... wrote:
>This is perfectly normal. Try it with Ohm's law. V= IxR
>John Baker
>With all due respect, I don't think so. Ohms law does not directly apply
>here. As long as the vreg max current or max power, or dropout voltage are all
>within range for normal operation, the output should remain at (very close to) 5
>5v / 100 ohms yields 50 mA.
>You mentioned capacitors. Do you have a cap 0.1uF on the input and the output
>of the regulator, very close to the regulator?
>Pieter-Jan van Diepen <diepenpj@h...> wrote:
>build a 7805 power supply. with normal specs . (input voltage 16 volts, 4
>diodes to to make alternate voltage "flat" condensator 4700 microfarads, and
>by the 7805 two condensators of 0.1 microfarad) measure with no load is 5.04
>volts, but if i make a resistor load of 100 ohms the voltage drop to 4.67
>volts. is this normal behaviour??
>thanks pieter-jan
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> basicstamps-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
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>Yahoo! Groups Links
the 16V going in is. The 7805 regulator should not drop any voltage if all
is kept within limits. A good example would be a computer power supply. The
DC resistance of 3.3V of some motherboards is less than 1 ohm but yet the
power supply still keeps a steady 3.3V because theres like 80amps going in.
BTW: Pieter, whats the price of wood and building materials over there now.
It is ridiculous here like 4X the cost
At 05:43 PM 6/6/2004, you wrote:
>This is perfectly normal. Try it with Ohm's law. V= IxR
>John Baker
>Pieter-Jan van Diepen <diepenpj@h...> wrote:
>build a 7805 power supply. with normal specs . (input voltage 16 volts, 4
>diodes to to make alternate voltage "flat" condensator 4700 microfarads, and
>by the 7805 two condensators of 0.1 microfarad) measure with no load is 5.04
>volts, but if i make a resistor load of 100 ohms the voltage drop to 4.67
>volts. is this normal behaviour??
>thanks pieter-jan
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Have you connected a oscilloscope to the regulator output?
The regulator may oscillating.
You should see a ac signal with a frequency of 8.33 msec.
If you take a look at 78xx spec. you can see a Vout Tolerance parameter with load. For the most of 78xx this parameter is +-5%.
This tolerance depends on Manufacturer, Type of device, Input voltage and Load conditions.
Examples, look for Output_voltage parameter:
Mensaje original
De: Pieter-Jan van Diepen [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=wtH66jneUq_l623jGbQUJ_IBwTdXQe4bsPD8bdfm7hjYip6X7Qn7pFz71U7QktwSjbD_EeV78PiYl7ov]diepenpj@h...[/url
Enviado el: domingo, 06 de junio de 2004 20:57
Para: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
Asunto: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] 7805 drops to 4,6 volts?
build a 7805 power supply. with normal specs . (input voltage 16 volts, 4
diodes to to make alternate voltage "flat" condensator 4700 microfarads, and
by the 7805 two condensators of 0.1 microfarad) measure with no load is 5.04
volts, but if i make a resistor load of 100 ohms the voltage drop to 4.67
volts. is this normal behaviour??
thanks pieter-jan
Hotmail en Messenger on the move
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from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and Body of the message will be ignored.
Yahoo! Groups Links
There is a big difference between the Initial Tolerance and the
Voltage Regulation.
The initial Tolerance yes! it is +/- 1%,5% or 10% or whatever.
However, the Voltage Regulation depends in the Open Loop gain of the
internal Amplifier, and the thevenin equivalent output impedance.
It is not uncommon Open Loop gains of 60 and up DBs.
Not even the Internal Voltage Reference has any effect in the Voltage
Regulation not counting Tempco (Thermal coefficient) effects.
0.25 volts. So, 4.75 volts would be the
lowest acceptable with that tolerance.
Just a thought.
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "Luis" <lullamas@y...> wrote:
> This could be normal.
> If you take a look at 78xx spec. you can see a Vout Tolerance
parameter with load. For the most of 78xx this parameter is +-5%.
> This tolerance depends on Manufacturer, Type of device, Input
voltage and Load conditions.
> Examples, look for Output_voltage parameter:
> http://www.st.com/stonline/books/pdf/docs/2143.pdf
> http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/ua7805.pdf
> Luis.
Mensaje original
> De: Pieter-Jan van Diepen [noparse][[/noparse]mailto:diepenpj@h...]
> Enviado el: domingo, 06 de junio de 2004 20:57
> Para: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
> Asunto: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] 7805 drops to 4,6 volts?
> hai,
> build a 7805 power supply. with normal specs . (input voltage 16
volts, 4
> diodes to to make alternate voltage "flat" condensator 4700
microfarads, and
> by the 7805 two condensators of 0.1 microfarad) measure with no
load is 5.04
> volts, but if i make a resistor load of 100 ohms the voltage drop
to 4.67
> volts. is this normal behaviour??
> thanks pieter-jan
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