Basic Stamp Editor for other PIC''s?
Thanks Ken!
I'll check what Parallax has on the SX.
Take care,
--- In, smartdim@a... wrote:
> This is a no brainer in my opinion. If this is something that would
> licenced and some day sell more than 5, a PIC or SX is the way to
go IMO.
> ken
> ======================
> As you already know, my project is a construction tool for building
> houses and other building projects. I hope to license it to one of
> the tool makers.
> At how many units would you shift from using a Stamp to a PIC?
> 1000?
> Take care,
> Frank
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I'll check what Parallax has on the SX.
Take care,
--- In, smartdim@a... wrote:
> This is a no brainer in my opinion. If this is something that would
> licenced and some day sell more than 5, a PIC or SX is the way to
go IMO.
> ken
> ======================
> As you already know, my project is a construction tool for building
> houses and other building projects. I hope to license it to one of
> the tool makers.
> At how many units would you shift from using a Stamp to a PIC?
> 1000?
> Take care,
> Frank
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]