Basic Stamp Editor for other PIC''s?
Well, golly Chuck --
First you say you couldn't figure out why he
said going from BS2 to PIC was expensive, then
you said you did it -- BUT you had problems
with the math?
That's kind of the point, isn't it? You CAN
buy some 'third-party' products to ease porting
from BS2 to PIC -- but the cost for these products
is around $300.00 or so -- OR you can get 'freeware'
which only does part of the job. And you'll STILL
need some board to plug the PIC into to program
That is one of the beauties of the BS2 platform.
For $50.00 you get a 'module' which is RELIABLE,
takes care of most of the nitty-gritty details,
and lets you focus on your code functionality.
If you are doing onesy-twosy kinds of projects,
putting a $50.00 module (or a $39.00 OEM module)
into them is not a show-stopper. In fact, it
makes a lot of sense as a low cost proof-of-concept
Sure, if you are going to manufacture dozens of
widgets, then paying the dollars so you can use
the cheaper PIC makes sense. The BS2 gives you
an upgradeable path to doing that with PicBasic
or MBasic.
And Parallax has taken the extra step of providing
their IDE for free, providing the Nuts&Volts PDF
articles. Really, they provide some of the best
support in the industry.
--- In, "chuckirwin43"
<chuckirwin43@n...> wrote:
> Hi John:
> I was trying to figure out why you say going from BS2 (approx $50
each) to
> PIC (i.e. 16F870 w/2KRam, approx $5 each) is so expensive??
> Thanks for pointing out the ability of PICBasicPro (kind of
expensive at
> $200) to copy BS2 Programs to PIC's. I've tried to do that on my
own and
> had an impossible task of it using a program called CH Basic -
Flash Edition
> from (an outfit in Australia). I tried to
> duplicate the BS2 Program for the SHT1X Sensiron Temp/Humidity
> written by Jon Williams on the 16F870, and it sort of works, but
does not
> give accurate counts. I know the problem is in the BS2 Math
> which I could not duplicate with CH Basic!
Original Message
> From: "John Baker" <johnbaker_erie_pa@y...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2004 0:38 AM
> Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Basic Stamp Editor for other PIC's?
> > Unless you set up the other hardware just right, and get your PIC
> Parallax anyway, no. What you want is PICBasicPro from meLabs. This
> is completely word-for-word with PBASIC, except for it has more
> to choose from. You can copy-paste-program your BS2 code to a PIC
if you
> wish. The only problem with this is very expensive (Just one of the
> reasons the BS2 still conquers). But I do highly recommend it if
you are in
> to PICs past the point of no return. Go to .
> Email Randy Jones, and you'll be on your way. No matter how hard
you look
> though, Parallax will still be the leader in tech. support and
> documentation. Best of al.. It's free!
> > Also, be sure to check out this Ebay auction, if you really want
to get
> started with PICs.
> >
> >
> >
> > Keep an eye on my other auctions as well, as I will have tons of
> PICs, and other chips/parts.
> >
> >
> >
> > John Baker
> >
> >
> > lanceallenr <lanceallenr@y...> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I wanted to know it there is a way to use the Basic Stamp Editor
> > other PIC's. I have 2 Basic Stamp II's and are really pleased with
> > them. The only reason that I want to know this information is to
> > further my knowledge of the Editors capabilities, I am also
trying to
> > become familiar with PIC's and how to program them. I have not
> > programmed a PIC before and wanted to know my options when the
> > comes. I know there are Assembly programmers but I really like
> > programming I find it much easier read and understand.
> >
> > Any suggestion / comments are welcome
> >
> > Thanks,
> > lanceallenr
> >
> >
> >
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> >
First you say you couldn't figure out why he
said going from BS2 to PIC was expensive, then
you said you did it -- BUT you had problems
with the math?
That's kind of the point, isn't it? You CAN
buy some 'third-party' products to ease porting
from BS2 to PIC -- but the cost for these products
is around $300.00 or so -- OR you can get 'freeware'
which only does part of the job. And you'll STILL
need some board to plug the PIC into to program
That is one of the beauties of the BS2 platform.
For $50.00 you get a 'module' which is RELIABLE,
takes care of most of the nitty-gritty details,
and lets you focus on your code functionality.
If you are doing onesy-twosy kinds of projects,
putting a $50.00 module (or a $39.00 OEM module)
into them is not a show-stopper. In fact, it
makes a lot of sense as a low cost proof-of-concept
Sure, if you are going to manufacture dozens of
widgets, then paying the dollars so you can use
the cheaper PIC makes sense. The BS2 gives you
an upgradeable path to doing that with PicBasic
or MBasic.
And Parallax has taken the extra step of providing
their IDE for free, providing the Nuts&Volts PDF
articles. Really, they provide some of the best
support in the industry.
--- In, "chuckirwin43"
<chuckirwin43@n...> wrote:
> Hi John:
> I was trying to figure out why you say going from BS2 (approx $50
each) to
> PIC (i.e. 16F870 w/2KRam, approx $5 each) is so expensive??
> Thanks for pointing out the ability of PICBasicPro (kind of
expensive at
> $200) to copy BS2 Programs to PIC's. I've tried to do that on my
own and
> had an impossible task of it using a program called CH Basic -
Flash Edition
> from (an outfit in Australia). I tried to
> duplicate the BS2 Program for the SHT1X Sensiron Temp/Humidity
> written by Jon Williams on the 16F870, and it sort of works, but
does not
> give accurate counts. I know the problem is in the BS2 Math
> which I could not duplicate with CH Basic!
Original Message
> From: "John Baker" <johnbaker_erie_pa@y...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2004 0:38 AM
> Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Basic Stamp Editor for other PIC's?
> > Unless you set up the other hardware just right, and get your PIC
> Parallax anyway, no. What you want is PICBasicPro from meLabs. This
> is completely word-for-word with PBASIC, except for it has more
> to choose from. You can copy-paste-program your BS2 code to a PIC
if you
> wish. The only problem with this is very expensive (Just one of the
> reasons the BS2 still conquers). But I do highly recommend it if
you are in
> to PICs past the point of no return. Go to .
> Email Randy Jones, and you'll be on your way. No matter how hard
you look
> though, Parallax will still be the leader in tech. support and
> documentation. Best of al.. It's free!
> > Also, be sure to check out this Ebay auction, if you really want
to get
> started with PICs.
> >
> >
> >
> > Keep an eye on my other auctions as well, as I will have tons of
> PICs, and other chips/parts.
> >
> >
> >
> > John Baker
> >
> >
> > lanceallenr <lanceallenr@y...> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I wanted to know it there is a way to use the Basic Stamp Editor
> > other PIC's. I have 2 Basic Stamp II's and are really pleased with
> > them. The only reason that I want to know this information is to
> > further my knowledge of the Editors capabilities, I am also
trying to
> > become familiar with PIC's and how to program them. I have not
> > programmed a PIC before and wanted to know my options when the
> > comes. I know there are Assembly programmers but I really like
> > programming I find it much easier read and understand.
> >
> > Any suggestion / comments are welcome
> >
> > Thanks,
> > lanceallenr
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> >