Static electricity
Guys I desperately need some help. I am currently trying to pursue a
static electricity project for my company. The obstacles that I face
1. How can I build an efficient monitoring system to gather the info
and send it to me?
2. What kind of program would be involved in measuring charge and
how do I translate this to the BS2?
static electricity project for my company. The obstacles that I face
1. How can I build an efficient monitoring system to gather the info
and send it to me?
2. What kind of program would be involved in measuring charge and
how do I translate this to the BS2?
> Guys I desperately need some help. I am currently trying to pursue
> static electricity project for my company. The obstacles that I
> are:
> 1. How can I build an efficient monitoring system to gather the
> and send it to me?
> 2. What kind of program would be involved in measuring charge and
> how do I translate this to the BS2?
It seems on the surface that as soon as you try to measure the static
electricty, you'll ground it and will dissapate it. I think more
informaton on how it is generated would be appropriate.
I think you can get some extreely high impeadance op-amps to not
discharge it.
The op-amp may be needed as well as some high value resistors to
prevent destroying your circuits.
Pretty much any ADC chip will allow you to look at the voltage
generated from the output of the op-amp.
Put a long metallic plate along your static area and wouldn't the
capacitance change with strong static?
So, put a resistor in series with your lines going to this and you can pick
off a voltage that you could fire in to an opamp and amplify enough to stick
in to an A/D.
sound feasible?
Original Message
From: "Dave Mucha" <davemucha@j...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 6:35 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: Static electricity
> --- In, "mpolite2" <mpolite2@y...> wrote:
> > Guys I desperately need some help. I am currently trying to pursue
> a
> > static electricity project for my company. The obstacles that I
> face
> > are:
> >
> > 1. How can I build an efficient monitoring system to gather the
> info
> > and send it to me?
> >
> > 2. What kind of program would be involved in measuring charge and
> > how do I translate this to the BS2?
> It seems on the surface that as soon as you try to measure the static
> electricty, you'll ground it and will dissapate it. I think more
> informaton on how it is generated would be appropriate.
> I think you can get some extreely high impeadance op-amps to not
> discharge it.
> The op-amp may be needed as well as some high value resistors to
> prevent destroying your circuits.
> Pretty much any ADC chip will allow you to look at the voltage
> generated from the output of the op-amp.
> Dave
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> Yahoo! Groups Links
Guys I desperately need some help. I am currently trying to pursue a
static electricity project for my company. The obstacles that I face
1. How can I build an efficient monitoring system to gather the info
and send it to me?
2. What kind of program would be involved in measuring charge and
how do I translate this to the BS2?
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
google search turned up:
eter/Henleys_Electrometer.html (fun fun)
Speaking of sparks and such, I recently ran into
which I thought was facinating...
Al Williams
* Universal Stamp Prototyping Board:
Original Message
From: mpolite2 [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]mpolite2@y...[/url
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 4:06 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Static electricity
Guys I desperately need some help. I am currently trying to pursue a
static electricity project for my company. The obstacles that I face
1. How can I build an efficient monitoring system to gather the info
and send it to me?
2. What kind of program would be involved in measuring charge and
how do I translate this to the BS2?
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Yahoo! Groups Links
It would probably work at 5 volts and a stamp input with some lower
I tried a bit to come up with a complementary circuit that would work
as well as this one does when the new one is brought near a NEGATIVE
charge, but haven't yet.
At 6:07 PM -0500 6/4/04, Al Williams wrote:
>If I'm not mistaken, the proper instrument for this is
>an electroscope. A
>google search turned up:
I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in
which they can learn.
- Albert Einstein
It turns out I am also very much into Basic Stamps, and in fact have
two major exhibits at our museum running on them. One is a 6-channel
automatic AM radio station - Each channel is driven by an MP3 player
with the files stored on CF. The stamp controls the MP3 players and
the transmitter channels. We use it for "broadcasting" old time
radio programs in the museum, so that visitors hear old radio
programs and not Britney Spears or Dr. Laura when they tune the
The other is an automated exhibit (a life size diorama
of "Franklin's Laboratory") that tells the story of the early days
of electricity, and specifically Franklin's kite. The stamp operates
two MP3 Players, 6 different spot lights to illuminate the apparatus
as it is described in the audio narrative, and a couple of strobe
lights that create "lightning" during the thunder and lightning
storm. I almost forgot - the stamp also controls the sparks that
jump from the famous key to a Leyden Jar beneath it, as well as a
couple of compact Florescent tubes that are hidden inside the jar.
It is quite a show!
The site you saw ( is my personal site, the URL
below is for our museum.
John Jenkins
The American Museum of Radio and Electricity
Where discovery sparks imagination
--- In, "Al Williams" <alw@a...> wrote:
> If I'm not mistaken, the proper instrument for this is an
electroscope. A
> google search turned up:
> eter/Henleys_Electrometer.html (fun fun)
> Speaking of sparks and such, I recently ran into
> which I thought was facinating...
> Regards,
> Al Williams
> * Universal Stamp Prototyping Board:
Original Message
> From: mpolite2 [noparse][[/noparse]mailto:mpolite2@y...]
> Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 4:06 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Static electricity
> Guys I desperately need some help. I am currently trying to pursue
> static electricity project for my company. The obstacles that I
> are:
> 1. How can I build an efficient monitoring system to gather the
> and send it to me?
> 2. What kind of program would be involved in measuring charge and
> how do I translate this to the BS2?
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the
Subject and
> Body of the message will be ignored.
> Yahoo! Groups Links